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The SCEC/USGS Spontaneous Rupture Code Verification Project


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If you use our SCEC/USGS Code Verification Web Server (CVWS) or benchmarks in research you submit for publication, please cite our paper:
Harris, R.A., M. Barall, B. Aagaard, S. Ma, D. Roten, K. Olsen, B. Duan, B. Luo, D. Liu, K. Bai, J.-P. Ampuero, Y. Kaneko, A.-A. Gabriel, K. Duru, T. Ulrich, S. Wollherr, Z. Shi, E. Dunham, S. Bydlon, Z. Zhang, X. Chen, S.N. Somala, C. Pelties, J. Tago, V.M. Cruz-Atienza, J. Kozdon, E. Daub, K. Aslam, Y. Kase, K. Withers, and L. Dalguer, A Suite of Exercises for Verifying Dynamic Earthquake Rupture Codes, Seismological Research Letters, 89(3), 1146-1162, doi:10.1785/0220170222, 2018.