The following PDF file describes The Problem, versions 205 and 210.
Problem description for TPV205 and TPV210.
Benchmark TPV205 is the same problem as TPV5, performed at multiple resolutions. The following PDF files describe TPV5.
Diagram showing locations of on-fault stations, for TPV5.
Diagram showing locations of off-fault stations, for TPV5.
Diagram showing coordinate system and sign conventions, for TPV5.
Required file formats, and instructions for uploading files, for TPV5.
Benchmark TPV210 is the same problem as TPV10, performed at multiple resolutions. The following PDF files describe TPV10.
Problem description for TPV10 and TPV11.
Diagram showing locations of on-fault stations, for TPV10 and TPV11.
Diagram showing locations of off-fault stations, for TPV10 and TPV11.
Diagram showing coordinate system and sign conventions, for TPV10 and TPV11. (This diagram shows a vertical fault. Please use your imagination and pretend it's a dipping fault. Thank you.)
Required file formats, and instructions for uploading files, for TPV10 and TPV11.
2D version of TPV10 and TPV11.
Back to the 3D Benchmark Descriptions.
This page was last updated or reviewed on 27 October 2009.