CCA06 Test Points

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To test the results from the UCVMC v15.10 CCA06 version, used in CyberShake Study 17.3 , and the UCVM v18.5, we query the points below and confirm both CVM's return the same material properties:

Test Points for CCA06

  • -118.887875 35.478906 2000
  • -122.422779 36.382854 2000
  • -118.879781 34.674750 3500
  • -119.865852 37.552742 6000
  • -115.790940 35.880222 9000
  • -115.735974 35.910148 13000
  • -118.588744 39.145429 15000
  • -120.580990 35.813587 24000
  • -117.036585 35.990024 48000

Query results from UCVM 18.5 alpha release

-bash-4.2$ ./bin/ucvm_query -f ./conf/ucvm.conf -m cca < ./tests/test_cca06.txt
Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
 -118.8879    35.4789   2000.000    388.303    390.000        cca   4896.310   2663.685   2446.040       none      0.000      0.000      0.000      crust   4896.310   2663.685   2446.040
 -122.4228    36.3829   2000.000  -1716.461    180.000        cca   2423.132   1416.442   2241.378       none      0.000      0.000      0.000      crust   2423.132   1416.442   2241.378
 -118.8798    34.6748   3500.000   1364.509    748.000        cca   5156.373   2790.537   2473.558       none      0.000      0.000      0.000      crust   5156.373   2790.537   2473.558
 -119.8659    37.5527   6000.000   1153.754    748.000        cca   6242.486   3772.280   2839.675       none      0.000      0.000      0.000      crust   6242.486   3772.280   2839.675
 -115.7909    35.8802   9000.000    879.941    355.736        cca   5989.580   3398.115   2666.998       none      0.000      0.000      0.000      crust   5989.580   3398.115   2666.998
 -115.7360    35.9101  13000.000    886.236    297.963        cca   6134.923   3458.211   2692.127       none      0.000      0.000      0.000      crust   6134.923   3458.211   2692.127
 -118.5887    39.1454  15000.000   1449.254    511.242        cca   6180.279   3392.256   2664.606       none      0.000      0.000      0.000      crust   6180.279   3392.256   2664.606
 -120.5810    35.8136  24000.000    429.212    455.000        cca   6530.495   3680.909   2794.140       none      0.000      0.000      0.000      crust   6530.495   3680.909   2794.140
 -117.0366    35.9900  48000.000   1392.297    354.000        cca   7868.262   4608.482   3292.597       none      0.000      0.000      0.000      crust   7868.262   4608.482   3292.597

Query results from UCVM 15.10 used in CyberShake Study 17.3

lon lat depth Vp Vs rho % Vp diff % Vs diff % rho diff
-118.8879 35.4789 2000.000 4895.262 2666.881 2446.680 0.02% -0.12% -0.03%
-122.4228 36.3829 2000.000 2429.222 1417.199 2241.563 -0.25% -0.05% -0.01%
-118.8798 34.6748 3500.000 5172.012 2793.516 2474.251 -0.30% -0.11% -0.03%
-119.8659 37.5527 6000.000 6236.527 3768.555 2837.780 0.10% 0.10% 0.07%
-115.7909 35.8802 9000.000 5989.848 3398.874 2667.309 -0.004% -0.02% -0.01%
-115.7360 35.9101 13000.000 6137.150 3460.455 2693.085 -0.04% -0.06% -0.04%
-118.5887 39.1454 15000.000 6179.979 3394.572 2665.550 0.005% -0.07% -0.04%
-120.5810 35.8136 24000.000 6534.110 3684.790 2796.031 -0.06% -0.11% -0.07%
-117.0366 35.9900 48000.000 7867.455 4608.007 3292.361 0.01% 0.01% 0.01%

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