The following files are presentations from the SCEC 3D Rupture Dynamics Code Validation Workshop, held on February 25, 2011, in Pomona, California.
PLEASE NOTE: Files are the author's property. They may contain unpublished or preliminary information and should only be used as an outline of the talk.
Ruth Harris | Introduction to Workshop | |
Keith Richards-Dinger | Overview of Earthquake-Cycle Simulators | |
Brad Aagaard | Overview of Kinematic Ground Motion Simulations | |
Jeremy Kozdon |
Tetemeko - A New Code Movie file #1 (mov) Movie file #2 (mpeg) |
Eric Dunham | TPV105 - Thermal Pressurization Benchmark | |
Hiro Noda | Thermal Pressurization Implementation | |
Michael Barall | TPV14 and TPV15 - Branched Fault Benchmarks | |
Tim Dawson | How Fault Intersections Look in the California Fault Map | |
Eric Dunham Jeremy Kozdon |
How We May Improve Our Models of Fault Intersections |
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This page was last updated or reviewed on 3 May 2018.