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Presentations from the March 23, 2015, SCEC Workshop


The following files are presentations from the SCEC 3D Rupture Dynamics Code Validation Workshop, held on March 23, 2015, in Pomona, California.

PLEASE NOTE: Files are the author's property. They may contain unpublished or preliminary information and should only be used as an outline of the talk.


Ruth Harris           Introduction to Workshop
Jeremy Kozdon           beard: bfam Elasticity and Rupture Dynamics
Ralph Archuleta
Qiming Liu
          Numerical Simulations of Rupture Propagation
and Ground Motions in Normal Faulting Earthquakes
Nadia Lapusta
Semechah K. Y. Lui
          Lessons from Parkfield for Earthquake Interaction
Alice-Agnes Gabriel
          High Performance Computing of Earthquake Dynamic Rupture
Scenarios on Natural Fault Zones with SeisSol
Michael Barall           Overview of Benchmarks for 2014
Michael Barall           1D Velocity Structure Benchmarks TPV31 and TPV32
Julian Lozos
          A Case for Multi-Fault Rupture in the Southern
California Earthquake of December 8, 1812
Kenny Ryan
Eric Geist
David Oglesby
Michael Barall
          Dynamic Earthquake and Tsunami Modeling Offshore Ventura, California
Michael Barall           Rough Fault with Viscoplasticity Benchmarks TPV29 and TPV30
Norm Abrahamson           Use of Dynamic Rupture Modeling in Earthquake Engineering Applications


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This page was last updated or reviewed on 3 May 2018.