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Details about the Scenario Event used for ShakeOut 2024 testing:

Northridge Event Info

  • CI3144585
  • M6.7
  • Northridge, California, earthquake
  • 1994-01-17
  • 12:30:55 (UTC)
  • 34.213°N
  • 118.537°W
  • 18.2 km depth

QW U3-ETAS using Northridge ID and default on App Page

Using the input page, we specified a value in all input fields, typing in the default values in all boxes, and changed queue to compute, and submitted the job Last message: Setting job status to queued. Remote job ID: 34541195 Remote job submitted: 2024-10-17T19:16:37. Screen output from QW is below:

  • App command: /expanse/lustre/projects/usc143/qwxdev/apps/expanse/rocky8.8/ucerf3-etas/02b30e5/ --event-id ci3144585 --num-simulations 100000 --days-before 7 --etas-k-cov 1.5 --finite-surf-shakemap --finite-surf-shakemap-min-mag 5 --max-point-src-mag 6 --radius 20 --random-seed 123456789 --binary-output

Proposed ETAS post-earthquake configuration for Northridge EQ

  • --event-id ci3144585 --num-simulations 100000 --days-before 7 --finite-surf-shakemap --finite-surf-shakemap-min-mag 5 --max-point-src-mag 6

Proposed Frontera Commands

  • NUM_NODE=14
  • NUM_SIM=100000
  • cd $ETAS_SIM_DIR
  • --event-id ci3144585 --num-simulations $NUM_SIM --days-before 7 --max-point-src-mag 6 --finite-surf-shakemap --finite-surf-shakemap-min-mag 5 --hpc-site TACC_FRONTERA --nodes $NUM_NODE --hours 24 --queue normal --output-dir $ETAS_SIM_DIR/frontera-comcat-northridge-m6.7-n${NUM_NODE}-s$NUM_SIM

UCERF3-ETAS Config string

Example ucerf3 run points source for in 2022.

  • --event-id nc73799091 --num-simulations 100000 --days-before 7 --finite-surf-shakemap --finite-surf-shakemap-min-mag 5 --hpc-site USC_CARC --nodes 36 --hours 24 --queue scec_hiprio

Example from Aug 2024

  • --event-id ew1723003800 --num-simulations 100000 --days-before 7 --finite-surf-shakemap --finite-surf-shakemap-min-mag 5 --hpc-site USC_CARC --nodes 36 --hours 24 --queue scec --etas-k-cov 1.5

Example using a Random Number input

  • --event-id ci38457511 --num-simulations 10 --days-before 7 --finite-surf-shakemap --finite-surf-shakemap-min-mag 5 --output-dir target/test_case_1 --random-seed 12345678

Comcat Info

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