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Revision as of 16:11, 11 June 2015

This page describes an installation method does not require the use of Mac Ports. Once you follow the steps below, you can follow the link at the end of the page to go to the main BBP 15.3.0 Wiki User's Guide and continue the set up from there. Also, at the end of this page, you can find information about running the Unit and Acceptance Tests available on the Platform, along with a few Mac OS X-specific details.

Installation on Mac Yosemite

The following section describes one developers experiences installing Broadband Platform on their Mac running Yosemite OS. Here is the list of steps that we went through to successfully install and run BBP v15.3 on a Macbook Pro with 16GB Ram and 10GB of disk space running OS X v10.10.3 (Yosemite).

  1. The default Mac python does not include all the required scientific Python modules. For a well-integrated collection of scientific python modules for a Mac, we installed Anaconda Python:
  2. Evaluate the Mac command line environment. Bring up terminal, and run "env" and "which python":
    $ env
    $ which python
  3. Check Xcode on Mac Yosemite, the latest version is Xcode Version 6.3
  4. Update the Mac Python installation. Use Anaconda because it includes many of the packages, such as numpy and matplotlib that are required by the BBP. Also, this version can be installed without root access, which I did in my Mac account user Maechlin
  5. At command line which gcc, gcc -v
    $ which gcc
    $ gcc -v
    Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr --with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/c++/4.2.1
    Apple LLVM version 6.1.0 (clang-602.0.49) (based on LLVM 3.6.0svn)
    Target: x86_64-apple-darwin14.3.0
    Thread model: posix
  6. A BBP Issue is that Xcode does not install a gcc fortran compiler. Details to install fortran: Download the gcc compiler for Yosemite to the downloads direction. Then run as sudo to install gcc and gfortran.
    gunzip gcc-4.9-bin.tar.gz
    sudo tar xvf gcc-4.9-bin.tar -C /
    This installs things in root, in /usr/local/…
  7. Install pyproj Go to pyproj, download, build and install
    python setup.py build 
    python setup.py install (with sudo if necessary).

    To test, run python -c "import pyproj; pyproj.test()"

  8. Continue the Installation Instructions on Broadband User Guide v15.3.0
  9. Unit and Acceptance Tests for Mac OS X