Difference between revisions of "Staff Priorities - Fabio"

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== Yesterday: ==
== Yesterday: ==
* All full validation test ran ok
* Investigated and fixed the rupture plot issue (Trac #152)
* Checked in code and created new validation and velocity model packages
** Problem was caused by rounding issues
* Met with Phil to discuss LOMAP results
** Acceptance tests run ok now
** Running tests again to make sure we are getting good results
* Checked bias plots for all full validations
* Worked on sketching BBP workflow (genslip, jbsim, hfsim, wcc_siteamp)
** All ok on the broadband server, next step is to test on HPCC
* Fix for rupture slip plot breaks some acceptance tests
* Broadband development planning meeting with Phil
* Scheduled cal with Kim and Rumi to discuss BBToolbox updates
* Continue sketching BBP workflow (match module)
* Started working on SCEC meeting abstract
== Today: ==
== Today: ==
* Investigate rupture plot issue
* Finish SCEC meeting abstract
* Work on SCEC meeting abstract
* Continue sketching BBP workflow (component by component with input and output files)
* Continue sketching BBP workflow (component by component with input and output files)
* Look into HPCC 50-realization LOMAP script
* Meeting with Kim and Rumi
* HPCC scripts
** Full validations
** 50-realization LOMAP script
* Trac #131: Package new parallel running scripts and check them into svn as part of BBP
* Trac #131: Package new parallel running scripts and check them into svn as part of BBP
* Integrate SDSU code v1.4 into Broadband (after call tomorrow)
* Integrate SDSU code v1.4 into Broadband (after call today)
* Trac #128: Work on Cruise Control setup
* Trac #128: Work on Cruise Control setup
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== Followups: ==
== Followups: ==
* Cybershake call @ 11am
* BBToolbox call with Kim and Rumi @ 2pm

Revision as of 17:03, 9 August 2012


  • Investigated and fixed the rupture plot issue (Trac #152)
    • Problem was caused by rounding issues
    • Acceptance tests run ok now
  • Checked bias plots for all full validations
    • All ok on the broadband server, next step is to test on HPCC
  • Broadband development planning meeting with Phil
  • Continue sketching BBP workflow (match module)
  • Started working on SCEC meeting abstract


  • Finish SCEC meeting abstract
  • Continue sketching BBP workflow (component by component with input and output files)
  • Meeting with Kim and Rumi
  • HPCC scripts
    • Full validations
    • 50-realization LOMAP script
  • Trac #131: Package new parallel running scripts and check them into svn as part of BBP
  • Integrate SDSU code v1.4 into Broadband (after call today)
  • Trac #128: Work on Cruise Control setup


  • No


  • BBToolbox call with Kim and Rumi @ 2pm