Difference between revisions of "UCVM install on Frontera"

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(6 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 13: Line 13:
Copy the script below to your home directory.
Copy the script below to your home directory.
Replace <<YOUR_BUILD_LOCATION>> in the script and point to your
Replace <<YOUR_BUILD_LOCATION>> in the script to point to your
big scratch location(either scratch1 or scratch2)
big scratch location(either scratch1 or scratch2)
chmod +x script
source ./script
Line 25: Line 20:
export MY_TOP=<<YOUR_BUILD_LOCATION>>/scratch1
Line 61: Line 56:
Run the script to build your UCVM installation,
chmod +x script
source ./script
Line 67: Line 70:
setup your UCVM enabled environment,
setup your UCVM enabled environment,
source <<YOUR_BUILD_LOCATION>>/scratch1/TARGET_UCVM/ucvm_install/conf/ucvm_env.sh
source <<YOUR_BUILD_LOCATION>>/TARGET_UCVM/ucvm_install/conf/ucvm_env.sh
Your $UCVM_INSTAlL_PATH is now set to "<<YOUR_BUILD_LOCATION>>/scratch1/TARGET_UCVM/ucvm_install"<br>
Your $UCVM_INSTAlL_PATH is now set to "<<YOUR_BUILD_LOCATION>>/TARGET_UCVM/ucvm_install"<br>
and your $UCVM_SRC_PATH is set to "<<YOUR_BUILD_LOCATION>>/scratch1/TARGET_UCVM/ucvm"
and your $UCVM_SRC_PATH is set to "<<YOUR_BUILD_LOCATION>>/TARGET_UCVM/ucvm"
To check if your ucvm environment is setup properly,
To check if your ucvm environment is setup properly,
Line 84: Line 87:
ucvm_query -H
ucvm_query -H
and it should return,
Usage: ucvm_query [-m models<:ifunc>] [-p user_map] [-c coordtype] [-f config] [-z zmin,zmax] [-b] < file.in
-h This help message.
-H Detail help message.
-m Comma delimited list of crustal/GTL models to query in order
  of preference. GTL models may optionally be suffixed with ':ifunc'
  to specify interpolation function.
-c Z coordinate mode: geo-depth (gd, default), geo-elev (ge).
-f Configuration file. Default is ./ucvm.conf.
-p User-defined map to use for elevation and vs30 data.
-v Display model version information only.
-z Optional depth range for gtl/crust interpolation.
-b Optional output in json format
-l Optional input lat,lon,Z(depth/elevation)
-L Optional interpolation floor limit vs,vp,density(meter in depth mode)
Input format is:
lon lat Z
Output format is:
lon lat Z surf vs30 crustal cr_vp cr_vs cr_rho gtl gtl_vp gtl_vs gtl_rho cmb_algo cmb_vp cmb_vs cmb_rho
- If running interactively, type Cntl-D to end input coord list.
Version: 22.7.0
Installed Resources:
          1d : crustal model
      bbp1d : crustal model
    cmuetree : crustal model
      1dgtl : gtl
      elygtl : gtl
        cvmh : crustal model
      cencal : crustal model
      cvms5 : crustal model
      cvmsi : crustal model
        cvms : crustal model
        ely : ifunc
      taper : ifunc
        ucvm : map
        yong : map
model_etree : model i/f
model_patch : model i/f
  map_etree : map i/fand it should return,
Using a test file from UCVM regression suite,
Using a test file from UCVM regression suite,
Line 113: Line 172:
== Related Links ==
== Related Links ==
*[[UCVM Notes]]
*[[Main Page]]

Latest revision as of 18:37, 28 March 2023

Frontera environment

Does not need any additional environment setup

Default Modules :

Currently Loaded Modules:

 1) intel/19.1.1   3) git/2.24.1      5) python3/3.7.0   7) pmix/3.1.4      9) xalt/2.10.34
 2) impi/19.0.9    4) autotools/1.2   6) cmake/3.24.2    8) hwloc/1.11.12  10) TACC

Script to build UCVM

Copy the script below to your home directory.

Replace <<YOUR_BUILD_LOCATION>> in the script to point to your big scratch location(either scratch1 or scratch2)





git clone https://github.com/SCECcode/ucvm.git -b withSCPBR

# all available velocity models in this UCVM branch

cd $UCVM_SRC_PATH/largefiles
# select the models to build/install
./get_largefiles.py -m cvmsi,cvms5,cvmh,cvms,cencal

cd $UCVM_SRC_PATH/largefiles; ./check_largefiles_md5.py
cd $UCVM_SRC_PATH/largefiles; ./stage_largefiles.py

./ucvm_setup.py -d -a -p $UCVM_INSTALL_PATH &> ucvm_setup_install.log

cd $UCVM_SRC_PATH; make check

echo "..EXITING.."

Run the script to build your UCVM installation,

chmod +x script
source ./script

Test your UCVM installation

setup your UCVM enabled environment,

source <<YOUR_BUILD_LOCATION>>/TARGET_UCVM/ucvm_install/conf/ucvm_env.sh

Your $UCVM_INSTAlL_PATH is now set to "<<YOUR_BUILD_LOCATION>>/TARGET_UCVM/ucvm_install"
and your $UCVM_SRC_PATH is set to "<<YOUR_BUILD_LOCATION>>/TARGET_UCVM/ucvm"

To check if your ucvm environment is setup properly,

which ucvm_query

Following command will show what is available in this UCVM installation,

ucvm_query -H

and it should return,

Usage: ucvm_query [-m models<:ifunc>] [-p user_map] [-c coordtype] [-f config] [-z zmin,zmax] [-b] < file.in

	-h This help message.
	-H Detail help message.
	-m Comma delimited list of crustal/GTL models to query in order
	   of preference. GTL models may optionally be suffixed with ':ifunc'
	   to specify interpolation function.
	-c Z coordinate mode: geo-depth (gd, default), geo-elev (ge).
	-f Configuration file. Default is ./ucvm.conf.
	-p User-defined map to use for elevation and vs30 data.
	-v Display model version information only.
	-z Optional depth range for gtl/crust interpolation.

	-b Optional output in json format

	-l Optional input lat,lon,Z(depth/elevation)

	-L Optional interpolation floor limit vs,vp,density(meter in depth mode)

Input format is:
	lon lat Z

Output format is:
	lon lat Z surf vs30 crustal cr_vp cr_vs cr_rho gtl gtl_vp gtl_vs gtl_rho cmb_algo cmb_vp cmb_vs cmb_rho

	- If running interactively, type Cntl-D to end input coord list.

Version: 22.7.0

Installed Resources:
          1d : crustal model
       bbp1d : crustal model
    cmuetree : crustal model
       1dgtl : gtl
      elygtl : gtl
        cvmh : crustal model
      cencal : crustal model
       cvms5 : crustal model
       cvmsi : crustal model
        cvms : crustal model
         ely : ifunc
       taper : ifunc
        ucvm : map
        yong : map
 model_etree : model i/f
 model_patch : model i/f
   map_etree : map i/fand it should return,

Using a test file from UCVM regression suite,

-118.0 34.0 0.0
-118.0 34.0 50.0
-118.0 34.0 100.0
-118.0 34.0 500.0
-118.0 34.0 1000.0

Calling ucvm_query to query cvmsi model and interpolate it with the taper algorithm,

ucvm_query -m cvmsi,elygtl:taper -f $UCVM_INSTALL_PATH/conf/ucvm.conf < $UCVM_INSTALL_PATH/tests/inputs/test_latlons.txt

should return,

Using Geo Depth coordinates as default mode.
 -118.0000    34.0000      0.000    284.191    580.043      cvmsi   3035.433   1719.851   2402.684     elygtl      0.000    580.043      0.000      taper   1700.000    500.000   1974.976
 -118.0000    34.0000     50.000    284.191    580.043      cvmsi   3035.433   1719.851   2402.684     elygtl      0.000    580.043      0.000      taper   1700.000    548.000   2128.620
 -118.0000    34.0000    100.000    284.191    580.043      cvmsi   3035.433   1719.851   2402.684     elygtl      0.000    580.043      0.000      taper   1700.000    603.470   2130.773
 -118.0000    34.0000    500.000    284.191    580.043      cvmsi   3035.433   1719.851   2402.684     elygtl      0.000    580.043      0.000      taper   2701.194   1475.595   2354.105
 -118.0000    34.0000   1000.000    284.191    580.043      cvmsi   3330.891   1945.586   2443.042       none      0.000      0.000      0.000      crust   3330.891   1945.586   2443.042

Related Links