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The CISN Testing Center (CTC) consists of scientific analysis software, CISN EEW algorithm performance reports, and earthquake observational data.
The CISN Testing Center (CTC) consists of scientific analysis software, CISN EEW algorithm performance reports, and earthquake observational data. This entry is a collection point for current and past results from the CTC testing center.
== ShakeAlert Event Summaries ==
Event-oriented ShakeAlert performance summaries are generated for each M3.5+ California earthquake found in the ANSS catalog. These ShakeAlert Event summaries show time series of EEW parameters logged by ShakeAlert during real-time operations.  
== CTC ShakeAlert Testing ==
The ShakeAlert algorithms log their trigger information, and the ShakeAlert Decision Module plots the earthquake parameters released to ShakeAlert users.The event summaries plots show the performance of both the algorithms (Elarms, Virtual Seismologist, and OnSite) as well as the ShakeAlert Decision Modules.
As of September 2011, [[CISN Testing Center]] (CTC) processing now evaluates performance of the prototype CISN ShakeAlert EEW system. CTC evaluations are now based on earthquake parameter forecasts as logged by the CISN ShakeAlert system at U.C. Berkeley.
This testing include inputs from three algorithms (UCB Elarms, ETH Virtual Seismologist, and Caltech Onsite) as well as processing outputs from the ShakeAlert Decision Module.
*[http://scec.usc.edu/research/eew/summary/California/shake-alert/results/ ShakeAlert Daily Event Summaries]
*[http://scec.usc.edu/research/eew/summary/California/shake-alert/ CTC Automated Testing Results]
== ShakeAlert Cumulative Summaries ==
ShakeAlert cumulative summaries are based on a "selected" start date (current selected at 1 Sept 2011), through current date. The CTC retrieves all events in this time range from ANSS, then filters them in two ways. First, it removes all events less than M3.5. Second, it removes all events outside of the California CSEP Testing area. The CSEP testing area the includes all of California, and a little room on each edge including Nevada, Mexico, and the Pacific ocean.
The four cumulative summaries are:
#Speed Test - Shows time system took to produce a warning. Does not include distribution time from ShakeAlert to users. (Time decision Module has event forecast - event origin time)
#Location Error - Shows difference between final observed location and forecast location (in km). Uses difference between epicenter locations (rather than hypocenter locations).
#Magnitude - Shows difference between (Observed - Forecast) final magnitude. Values above zero show over underestimated magnitudes. Negative values show overestimated magnitudes
#Magnitude Distribution - Shows x-y plot with observed mag on x and forecast mag on y. Accurate forecasts will fall on a diagonal line.
Fig 1 shows an example of an EEW performance summary is
*[http://scec.usc.edu/research/eew/summary/California/shake-alert/results/ ShakeAlert Cumulative Summaries] At bottom of page
[[File:Scec.eew.EEWTest.eewTest ShakeAlertMagnitude-Test Magnitude3.5 Event11010669.png.1316761668.413857.1.png|right|150px]]
*[http://scec.usc.edu/research/eew/summary/California/shake-alert-ElarmsV2/results ShakeAlert Cumulative Summaries since Elarms2] at bottom of page
== Filtered ANSS Catalog of Earthquakes ==
Many of the ShakeAlert evaluation tests are based on comparing ShakeAlert triggers against an observational earthquake catalog. ANSS catalog has been selected as the authoritative catalog.
Two catalog filter stages are applied to the raw catalog. First, all events outside the CSEP California Testing Region are dropped. Second, all events below M3.5 are dropped. The resulting catalog is the authoritative catalog used to compare ShakeAlert triggers against.
== CTC Interactive Performance Summaries ==
The ANSS earthquake catalog is plotted on California maps for different time frames, showing events over last one month, two months,four months, and six months. Maps of these event catalogs are posted here:
Prior to September 2011, CTC testing center produced interactive test results for individual EEW algorithms. These performance summaries are cumulative, with later summaries containing more events.
*[http://scec.usc.edu/research/eew/summary/California/anss-tests/observations/ Filtered ANSS Catalog]
Interactive performance summaries are produced with a specific version of the CTC software in order to manage changes and improvements to the CTC processing software. Interactive results are reproducible by scientists as both the input EEW performance reports, and processing source code, are available from the CTC testing center.
The filtered ShakeAlert catalog contains only M3.5 and larger events within the geographical state of California. These catalogs for specific magnitude ranges and date ranges are plotted here:
*[http://scec.usc.edu/research/eew/summary/California/shake-alert/observations/ ANSS Raw and ShakeAlert Filtered Event Catalog]
*[[CTC 19 June 2011]]
== See Also ==
== Related Entries ==
*[[CTC Results Pre-2012]]
*[[CISN Testing Center]]
*[[CISN Testing Center]]
*[[Earthquake Early Warning]]
*[[Earthquake Early Warning]]

Latest revision as of 18:50, 27 February 2013

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The CISN Testing Center (CTC) consists of scientific analysis software, CISN EEW algorithm performance reports, and earthquake observational data.

ShakeAlert Event Summaries

Event-oriented ShakeAlert performance summaries are generated for each M3.5+ California earthquake found in the ANSS catalog. These ShakeAlert Event summaries show time series of EEW parameters logged by ShakeAlert during real-time operations.

The ShakeAlert algorithms log their trigger information, and the ShakeAlert Decision Module plots the earthquake parameters released to ShakeAlert users.The event summaries plots show the performance of both the algorithms (Elarms, Virtual Seismologist, and OnSite) as well as the ShakeAlert Decision Modules.

ShakeAlert Cumulative Summaries

ShakeAlert cumulative summaries are based on a "selected" start date (current selected at 1 Sept 2011), through current date. The CTC retrieves all events in this time range from ANSS, then filters them in two ways. First, it removes all events less than M3.5. Second, it removes all events outside of the California CSEP Testing area. The CSEP testing area the includes all of California, and a little room on each edge including Nevada, Mexico, and the Pacific ocean.

The four cumulative summaries are:

  1. Speed Test - Shows time system took to produce a warning. Does not include distribution time from ShakeAlert to users. (Time decision Module has event forecast - event origin time)
  2. Location Error - Shows difference between final observed location and forecast location (in km). Uses difference between epicenter locations (rather than hypocenter locations).
  3. Magnitude - Shows difference between (Observed - Forecast) final magnitude. Values above zero show over underestimated magnitudes. Negative values show overestimated magnitudes
  4. Magnitude Distribution - Shows x-y plot with observed mag on x and forecast mag on y. Accurate forecasts will fall on a diagonal line.

Filtered ANSS Catalog of Earthquakes

Many of the ShakeAlert evaluation tests are based on comparing ShakeAlert triggers against an observational earthquake catalog. ANSS catalog has been selected as the authoritative catalog.

Two catalog filter stages are applied to the raw catalog. First, all events outside the CSEP California Testing Region are dropped. Second, all events below M3.5 are dropped. The resulting catalog is the authoritative catalog used to compare ShakeAlert triggers against.

The ANSS earthquake catalog is plotted on California maps for different time frames, showing events over last one month, two months,four months, and six months. Maps of these event catalogs are posted here:

The filtered ShakeAlert catalog contains only M3.5 and larger events within the geographical state of California. These catalogs for specific magnitude ranges and date ranges are plotted here:

Related Entries