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*[https://g-c662a6.a78b8.36fe.data.globus.org/SCEC_RC/graves_rupmod.mp4 Rupture Simulation on a Planar Fault (214Kb)]
*[https://g-c662a6.a78b8.36fe.data.globus.org/SCEC_RC/graves_rupmod.mp4 Rupture Simulation on a Planar Fault (214Kb)]
Example of a dynamic rupture models on a planar fault.
Example of a dynamic rupture models on a planar fault.
*[https://g-c662a6.a78b8.36fe.data.globus.org/SCEC_RC/ShakeOut_Compare_Slip_Sliprate_800.mp4 Rupture Simulation on a Planar Fault (214Kb)]
== Related Entries ==
== Related Entries ==
*[https://www.scec.org/research SCEC Home Page]
*[https://www.scec.org/research SCEC Home Page]

Revision as of 21:05, 14 August 2024

This page contains a collection of media describing SCEC research.

Examples of SCEC Research Computing Science Communications


Animation showing earthquake sequence over 200K years in California based on RSQSim simulations

Side by side comparision of kinematic rupture and dynamic rupture slip for M8.0 earthquake

Animation showing M8 rupture starting in central California propogating south towards Los Angeles and Salton Sea.

Animation showing rupture on Puente Hills Fault and wave propagation across the Los Angeles Basin.

Scientific animation comparing North to south rupture to south to north rupture on San Andreas including time since origin, location of peak ground motion, distribution of strong ground motions in single animation.

Response of water tank model on ground motions from M8 simulation.

Example of a dynamic rupture models on a planar fault.

Related Entries