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== CSEP-Related Presentation 2011 ==
== CSEP-Related Presentation 2011 ==
*[http://hypocenter.usc.edu/research/CSEP/CSEPTestingCenterPoster.pdf CSEP Testing Center Poster AGU 2011 - Liukis et al] (3.3 Mb pdf)
== CSEP-Related Presentation 2010 ==
== CSEP-Related Presentation 2010 ==
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**[http://hypocenter.usc.edu/research/CSEP/CSEPMeetingAtUSC2009/miniCSEP_Liukis.pdf CSEP Software 2009 (PDF)] (6.4MB pdf)
**[http://hypocenter.usc.edu/research/CSEP/CSEPMeetingAtUSC2009/miniCSEP_Liukis.pdf CSEP Software 2009 (PDF)] (6.4MB pdf)
== Outline of CSEP Developments ==
== Related Entries ==
* New testing region in SCEC testing center: Oceanic Transform Faults
* Support for polygon-based forecasts
* Polygon-based Oceanic Transform Fault one-day model by Margaret Boettcher
* Two EAS (EEPAS allowing for AfterShocks) three-month models by David Rhoades for California testing region
* SHIFT_GSRM one-year model by Peter Bird for high-resolution Global testing region
    SHIFT = Seismic Hazard Inferred From Tectonics (a set of hypotheses/rules from Bird & Liu [2007, SRL]); and
    GSRM = Global Strain Rate Map (a global dataset from Kreemer et al. [2003, GJI], and a major project of the International Lithosphere Project)
* New T- (the classical paired t-test) and W- (the Wilcoxon signed-rank) evaluation tests (as of CSEP V11.7.0)
=== Future tasks ===
* Evaluation tests should support polygon-based forecasts
* Web site for testing center results
* Operations support
* Increase frequency of processing: from daily to hourly (which models, which tests???)
=== Possible topics to cover ===
* CSEP applicability to other projects (Transient Detection, EEW)
* Archive for downloaded raw catalogs from authorized data sources (ANSS, CMT)
== Poster ==
*[http://hypocenter.usc.edu/research/CSEP/CSEPTestingCenterPoster.pdf CSEP Testing Center Poster AGU 2011 - Liukis et al] (3.3 Mb pdf)

Revision as of 18:39, 23 January 2012