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== Yesterday ==
== Yesterday ==
- UCVM documentation. Went through basic guide, wrote new advanced guide<br />
- ShakeOut day<br />
- UCVM 13.12.0 design ideas<br />
- Met with TJ, PM for CVM-S4.26 plots<br />
- Interacted with RT, PS for UCVM paper<br />
- Began write up of plots/description<br />
- Started building e-trees for RT<br />
- Began generating new plots for that write up as well<br />
== Today ==
== Today ==
- UCVM developer guide<br />
- Continue generating plots and doing write up<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - UCVM fully released?<br />
- Respond to RT about discontinuities<br />
- E-tree generation for RT, HK<br />
- E-tree generation for RT<br />
- ShakeOut/SCEC work<br />
- Follow-up with HK<br />
== Blocked ==
== Blocked ==

Revision as of 16:09, 22 October 2013


- ShakeOut day
- Met with TJ, PM for CVM-S4.26 plots
- Began write up of plots/description
- Began generating new plots for that write up as well


- Continue generating plots and doing write up
- Respond to RT about discontinuities
- E-tree generation for RT
- Follow-up with HK


- No


- No