ERI Workshop ToDo

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Update Images

  • Add Sac Manual
  • Add basement and moho turf files to image
  • Add bbp2sac utility to Image

Produce cross-sections (in UTM zone 11 coordinates X, Y) for two areas:

  • S-N: from St. Monica Bay across LA basin into St. Monica Mts. into San Fernando basin into San Gabriel Mts.
    • 360000 m, 3747000 m to 360000 m, 3824000 m
  • SW-NE: across center of LA basin into S.Gabriel Mts.
    • 364227.734375 m, 3724462.73438 m to 425753.648438 m, 3797239.53125
  • Horizontal slices from CVM-H at depths
    • 0km (w/ and w/o GTL)
    • 2.5km
    • 5km
    • 10km
    • 20km
    • 30km

Produce Vertical Profiles from sealevel to 30km

  • center of LA basin: 389202.929688 m, 3757530.875 m
  • San Fernando basin: 366000 m, 3788000 m
  • western San Gabriel Mts.: 386677.617188 m, 3791082.85938 m
  • Updated version of Virtual Box

Image Tasks Sept 15

  • time runs using windows image and post results

SCEC-VDO Workshop Tasks Monday Sept 15

  • Check query by depth versus query by elevation
  • Add GTL on or off option
  • Show AP/JS current display of basement and moho turf
  • Confirm UTM conversion issue in SCEC-VDO
  • Install basement andfiles in new image
  • check 4.26 profiles
  • configure cvm-h with and without gtl
  • UCVM
    • instructions on how to extract velocity slice at 5km and then visualize (should be on wiki?).
    • SW-NE: across center of LA basin into S.Gabriel Mts.
  • 364227.734375 m, 3724462.73438 m to 425753.648438 m, 3797239.53125 m
  • produce 3 vertical profiles from sealevel to 30km at
    • center of LA basin: 389202.929688 m, 3757530.875 m
    • San Fernando basin: 366000 m, 3788000 m
    • western San Gabriel Mts.: 386677.617188 m, 3791082.85938 m
  • Surface Plugin with image draped over topography
  • Horizontal slices with negative depths

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