Staff Priorities - Scott

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Revision as of 18:29, 9 October 2014 by Scottcal (talk | contribs)
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  • Determined cost of 1 Hz run
  • Sent out 1 Hz results, need to investigate results
  • Compared Titan workflow results to reference solution, good match
  • Calculated deterministic results for LADT
  • Emailed Peter and Nico about deterministic NGA calcs
  • Touched base with Phil


  • Calculate probabilistic results for all 14 sites with NGA comparisons, post to wiki, notify group
  • Investigate 1 Hz results more closely to identify differences at 3 sec from 0.5 Hz
  • Add 1 Hz cost to wiki
  • Consult with Gideon about Titan next steps


  • No


  • No

Areas of Responsibilities

  • CyberShake
  • Broadband CyberShake
  • Code migration