Staff Priorities - David

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Revision as of 20:29, 13 August 2015 by Davidgil (talk | contribs) (→‎Today)
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- SCEC prototype website new developments
    - Made /community page to find and search SCEC users
    - Added code to auto-approve all publications and files
    - Implemented delete capability for 130 CEO pages
    - Fixed some stylesheet issues
- Re-deployed SCEC site on aftershock
    - Deployment looks good for the most part
    - Bug with organization aliases seems to have resurfaced
- ShakeOut work
    - FEMA stats


- Web call @ 11am
- Collecting all known issues and putting them on wiki
    - Three categories: critical before we show to smaller group, critical before live, would like to have
- Work on issues identified


- No


- Web call @ 10:30am
- High-F call @ 11am