Staff Priorities - Kevin
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- worked on mapping historical rupture surfaces from Jeanne to UCERF3 ruptures for UCERF3 simulations
- used UCERF3 date of last event data to constrain possible ruptures
- match said data exactly when possible, otherwise default to Jeanne's surface
- working well
- finalize historical rupture surface mapping, create input file format of some sort, launch new sims
- generate recurrence plots for UCERF3-ETAS catalogs
- look into stationarity of recurrence properties in all models
- plot "recurrence ratio" metric as a function of time
- clean up scratch space on opensha, move larger datasets to scec-02
Lower priority or longer term tasks
- Fill in missing site/rupture distances in CyberShake DB for ERF 36 (200m)
- finish mapping of historical earthquakes to UCERF3 ruptures in order to run ETAS simulations of aftershock sequences