From SCECpedia
Jump to navigationJump to searchItems to be fixed:
Main view
- initial view is weird angle
- need to implement escape key to reset view
- No splash screen / loading interface
- full-screening doesn't change the size of the GUI or the display; display should become larger
- Ability to take snapshots?
- Save as hangs for awhile, not sure if it does anything
- Zoom used to be position-dependent; it would slow down near the surface. Bring back?
- Is there a reason political boundaries, graticule, drawing tools aren't plugins?
- bar at bottom of 3D view was helpful for displaying information on what you clicked on, should be brought back or alternative mechanism implemented
Political Boundaries
- No compass appears
Drawing Tools
- No way to place the text where you want it
Earthquake Catalog
- Catalog is loaded in the view, but no item appears in the GUI scrollbar.
- EQ catalog animation locks GUI, should happen in another thread so that you can still navigate while playing catalog
- Transparency slider doesn't seem to work
- Gradient options aren't applied to visuals
- No checkbox for items in list
- Changing the wiremesh mode doesn't have an impact
- Clicking on the color box in the list doesn't do anything
- "Filter through ROIs" doesn't do anything
Surface Plugin
- None of the presets work
- Nothing happens when I try to load a surface from disk (no Open dialog)
Scripting Plugin
- Looks like GUI needs work?
- Green ball appears when I run a script