CSEP Minutes 05-15-2019
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Jump to navigationJump to searchParticipants: Andy Michael, Max Werner, David Rhoades, Giuseppe, Phil Maechling and William Savran
Italian OEF
- Operational, but only available to civil protection.
- Working on publicly available system, but needs work with different levels of society.
Overlapping Windows
- Using simulation-based tests the correlations are preserved so can compute cumulative statistics.
- Testing all of the windows at once.
- Simulated likelihood distribution based on set of parameters within each forecast window.
- Compute likelihoods within each simulated distribution.
- Aggregate log-likelihoods from likelihood distribution.
- Worth investigating meteorology literature for their solutions.
- Separating testing windows useful for understanding model performance but not required mathematically.
- Marzocchi et al., 2019 applied method to estimate model performance after some period using power-law model.
- Usage must be considered to guide evaluations.
- For example, multiple time-windows from same start time assume that decision maker needs to make a decision now.
CSEP Workshop Funded!!
Relevant questions:
- How well can you predict the number of earthquakes immediately after an event versus at some time after an event?
- When do forecasts start becoming useful after a large earthquake?
- ETAS without parameter updating versus RJ with updating versus FastETAS.