BBP Group Ridgecrest Sequence Simulations
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Jump to navigationJump to searchThis page documents the BBP Group activities to simulate events from the Ridgecrest Sequence.
Events Considered
Observational Data
Station Selection
- For the validation, we select the 50 stations closest to the hypocenter of the M5.4 event
SRC Files
MAGNITUDE = 5.36 LAT_TOP_CENTER = 35.757359 LON_TOP_CENTER = -117.566269 DEPTH_TO_TOP = 6.0 STRIKE = 313 DIP = 81 RAKE = -165 FAULT_LENGTH = 3.0 DLEN = 0.1 FAULT_WIDTH = 3.0 DWID = 0.1 HYPO_ALONG_STK = 0.0 HYPO_DOWN_DIP = 1.5 SEED = ***needs_to_be_specified_and_different_than_other_segments_and_hypos*** MAX_FAULT_LENGTH = 3 RUPTURE_DELAY = 0.00 MOMENT_FRACTION = 1