NorCal CyberShake SW4 Mesh
- Create CyberShake Mesh for NorCal in 3 files (80m)
- Tile with background
goal: to validate the sw4 plot of sfcvm native hdf5 datafile via its gmg reader shows topography features at surface and yet
accessing UCVM's sfcvm is showing a chopped plot at Z=0
Frontier setup
modules :
module load cray-python module unload PrgEnv-cray module load PrgEnv-gnu gcc module load libtool/2.4.6module load Core/24.07 module load openblas/0.3.26
building UCVM
#!/bin/bash # hn=`hostname -d` ppwd=`pwd` export MY_TOP=$ppwd/scratch export TOP_UCVM_TARGET=$MY_TOP/TARGET_UCVM_SFCVM export UCVM_SRC_PATH=$TOP_UCVM_TARGET/UCVM export UCVM_INSTALL_PATH=$TOP_UCVM_TARGET/ucvm_install rm -rf $TOP_UCVM_TARGET mkdir $TOP_UCVM_TARGET cd $TOP_UCVM_TARGET git clone -b withSFCVM UCVM cd $UCVM_SRC_PATH/largefiles ./ -m sfcvm,cca,cvmsi cd $UCVM_SRC_PATH/largefiles; ./ cd $UCVM_SRC_PATH ./ -d -a -p $UCVM_INSTALL_PATH &> ucvm_setup_install.log echo "..EXITING.." exit
on Frontier, the first time call seems to fail when configure is called via script. If rerun by hand, It actually goes through.
1) extract the configure command from config.log and run it by hand 2) at UCVM top level, call
make clean; make; make install
3) make sure is setup properly
./ -a -d -r -p $UCVM_INSTALL_PATH
4) source $UCVM_INSTALL_PATH/conf/
for sw4, hdf5 needs to be enabled with parallel option,
1) cd $UCVM_SRC_PATH/work/lib/hdf5 2) extract the configure command from config.log, and rerun it with --enable-parallel 3) and then call
make clean; make; make install;
building sw4
git clone sw4-clone
git clone -b ucvm_cmd sw4-ucvm_cmd
building sw4-clone,
add this file,, under configs directory
FC = gfortran CXX = mpicxx proj=yes hdf5=yes SW4ROOT = /ccs/home/mei/scratch/TARGET_UCVM_SFCVM/ucvm_install/lib/proj SQL3ROOT = /ccs/home/mei/scratch/TARGET_UCVM_SFCVM/ucvm_install/lib/sqlite HDF5ROOT = /ccs/home/mei/scratch/TARGET_UCVM_SFCVM/ucvm_install/lib/hdf5 EXTRA_LINK_FLAGS = /ccs/home/mei/scratch/TARGET_UCVM_SFCVM/ucvm_install/lib/openssl/lib/ /usr/lib64/ -L/opt/cray/pe/gcc/12.2.0/snos/lib64 -lgfortran
top level Makefile needs to be tweaked alittle..
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index 171d1c5a..ca1ef313 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ SW4LIB64 = $(SW4ROOT)/lib64 #Default, override with configs/ Preferably, FFTW is installed under SW4ROOT FFTWHOME = $(SW4ROOT) +SQL3INC = $(SQL3ROOT)/include +SQL3LIB = $(SQL3ROOT)/lib emptystring := "" foundincfile := $(emptystring) @@ -174,8 +176,8 @@ ifdef EXTRA_FORT_FLAGS endif ifeq ($(proj),yes) - CXXFLAGS += -DENABLE_PROJ -I$(SW4INC) - linklibs += -L$(SW4LIB) -L$(SW4LIB64) -lproj -lsqlite3 -Wl,-rpath,$(SW4LIB) -Wl,-rpath,$(SW4LIB64) + CXXFLAGS += -DENABLE_PROJ -I$(SW4INC) -I$(SQL3INC) + linklibs += -L$(SW4LIB) -L$(SW4LIB64) -lproj -L$(SQL3LIB) -lsqlite3 -Wl,-rpath,$(SW4LIB) -Wl,-rpath,$(SW4LIB64) endif
compile sw4 by
making sfcvm mesh in sfile format using sw4
building sw4-ucvm_clone is just the same as sw4-stock but it is alittle ad-hoc and so just assume it is done and the sfcvm_mesh.sfile is here..
the sfcvm.txt used for generate this sfcvm_mesh.sfile,
# SW4 SCRIPT fileio path=./sfcvm.output pfs=1 verbose=1 printcycle=10 nwriters=16 time steps=10 # GRID SIZE AND REFINEMENT grid x=280000 y=115000 z=30000 h=100.0 lat=39.111563 lon=-122.569504 az=143.638 proj=tmerc datum=NAD83 lon_p=-123.0 lat_p=35.0 scale=0. 9996 supergrid gp=30 time t=0.1 globalmaterial vsmin=400 vpmin=800 attenuation phasefreq=1.0 nmech=3 maxfreq=10.0 ucvm filename=sfcvm.h100 # POINT SOURCE source depth=8320 lat=36.86733 lon=-121.6105 m0=2.515e15 dip=80 strike=138 rake=-177 t0=1.0 type=Dirac # Station rec lat=37.52886 lon=-122.25522 depth=0 file=1002_37.52886_-122.25522 variables=velocity nsew=1 usgsformat=1 sacformat=0 sfileoutput file=sfcvm.mesh
and the slurm script used is,
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -J sfcvm_sw4 # Job name #SBATCH -o sfcvm_sw4.oo # Name of stdout output file #SBATCH -e # Name of stderr error file #SBATCH -N 5 # Total # of nodes #SBATCH -n 100 #SBATCH -t 2:00:00 # Run time (hh:mm:ss) #SBATCH #SBATCH --mail-type=all #SBATCH -p batch #SBATCH -A geo156 #SBATCH --open-mode=truncate source /ccs/home/mei/scratch/TARGET_UCVM_SFCVM/ucvm_install/conf/ srun -N5 -n100 /ccs/home/mei/scratch/sw4-ucvm_cmd/optimize_mp/sw4 sfcvm.txt
making image slice from sfcvm_mesh.sfile
the input file ,sw4_sfcvm.sw4input, needs to update the path links,
# SW4 SCRIPT -- to process sfcvm.mesh.sfile fileio path=output pfs=1 verbose=1 printcycle=10 nwriters=16 # GRID SIZE AND REFINEMENT grid x=280000 y=115000 z=30000 h=100.0 lat=39.111563 lon=-122.569504 az=143.638 proj=tmerc datum=NAD83 lon_p=-123.0 lat_p=35.0 scale=0. 9996 #grid x=20000 y=10000 z=25000 h=200 lat=38.070951 lon=-122.253136 az=143.638 proj=tmerc datum=NAD83 lon_p=-123.0 lat_p=35.0 scale=0.999 6 refinement zmax=3600 #refinement zmax=1500 #refinement zmax=400 supergrid gp=1 time steps=1 globalmaterial vsmin=250 vpmin=500 attenuation phasefreq=1.0 nmech=3 maxfreq=10.0 sfile filename=sfcvm.mesh.sfile directory=/ccs/home/mei/scratch/sw4-ucvm_cmd/ucvm/sfcvm.output #prefilter fc2=2.5 type=lowpass passes=2 order=2 # POINT SOURCE source depth=12300 lat=37.85517 lon=-122.25683 m0=4.563e15 dip=80 strike=145 rake=180 t0=1.0 type=Dirac ## generate image at z depth image mode=s z=0 file=image cycle=0 #image mode=s z=100 file=image cycle=0 #image mode=s z=500 file=image cycle=0 # Stations rec lat=37.59669 lon=-121.88094 depth=0 file=1688_37.59669_-121.88094 variables=velocity nsew=1 usgsformat=1 sacformat=0
and the slurm script to run this
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -J run_sw4_sfcvm # Job name #SBATCH -o run_sw4_sfcvm.oo # Name of stdout output file #SBATCH -e # Name of stderr error file #SBATCH -N 5 # Total # of nodes #SBATCH -n 100 #SBATCH --mem 0 # Set to unlimited memory #SBATCH -t 2:00:00 # Run time (hh:mm:ss) #SBATCH #SBATCH --mail-type=all #SBATCH -p batch #SBATCH -A geo156 #SBATCH --open-mode=truncate #SBATCH --export=NONE source /ccs/home/mei/scratch/TARGET_UCVM_SFCVM/ucvm_install/conf/ srun -N 5 -n 100 /ccs/home/mei/scratch/sw4-stock/optimize_mp/sw4 ./sw4_sfcvm.sw4input
2 images files are created in 'output' directory:
$ ls output 1688_37.59669_-121.88094.txt image.cycle=00.z=0.s.sw4img image.cycle=0.z=0.s.sw4img
install pySW4,
conda install. pysw4
using to generate png files,
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pySW4 as sw4 import numpy as np def vm_plain_view(fname, fsw4img, font=9, vmin=0.0, vmax=2.5): # fsw4img = '../papers/vm_evaluation/vm_img/image.cycle=000.z=0.s.sw4img' # fsw4img = '../papers/vm_evaluation/vm_img/z0_topo.sw4img' norm = plt.Normalize(min, vmax) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]) cbaxes = fig.add_axes([0.7, 0.2, 0.02, 0.6]) fig.colorbar(, cmap="viridis"), cax=cbaxes).set_label(label='$V_S$ (km/s)', size=font) cbaxes.set_ylim(vim, vmax) image = sw4.read_image(fsw4img) patch = image.patches[0] x0 = patch.extent[0] * 1e-3 x1 = patch.extent[1] * 1e-3 z0 = patch.extent[2] * 1e-3 z1 = patch.extent[3] * 1e-3 vs = * 1e-3 vs = np.flip(vs, axis=[1]) x_axis = np.linspace(x0, x1, vs.shape[1]) y_axis = np.linspace(z1, z0, vs.shape[0]) x_mesh, y_mesh = np.meshgrid(x_axis, y_axis) ax.contourf(x_mesh[::2, ::2], y_mesh[::2, ::2], vs[::2, ::2], norm=norm, cmap='viridis') ax.set_ylabel('Distance along parallel direction to the Hayward fault (km)', fontsize=font) ax.grid(which='both') ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=font - 2) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=font - 2) ax.axis('scaled') ax.set_xlabel('Distance along normal direction of the Hayward fault (km)', fontsize=font) box = {'facecolor': 'none', 'edgecolor': 'black', 'boxstyle': 'square' } ax.set_xticks([0, 10, 20, 30, 40]) # epstopdf vm_plain_view.eps vm_plain_view.pdf # plt.savefig('vm_plain_view.pdf', format='pdf') plt.savefig(fname, format='png') plt.close() if __name__ == '__main__': datapath = 'datapath/image.cycle=00.z=0.s.sw4img' vm_plain_view('00_view.png', datapath, font=9, vmin=0.0, vmax=0.8)
NOTE : the pySW4 is here,
Discovery Setup (incomplete)
Currently Loaded Modules:
1) gcc/11.3.0 3) pmix/3.2.3 5) perl/5.36.0 7) openblas/0.3.21 2) openmpi/4.1.4 4) libxml2/2.9.13 6) git/2.36.1
UCVM (withSFCVM branch) at /project/scec_608/ucvm_main_sfcvm
sw4 (ucvm_cmd branch) at /project/scec_608/mei/sw4-ucvm_cmd
using config/
FC = gfortran CXX = /spack/2206/apps/linux-centos7-x86_64_v3/gcc-11.3.0/openmpi-4.1.4-4w23jca/bin/mpiCC proj=yes hdf5=yes SW4ROOT = /project/scec_608/mei/ucvm_main_sfcvm/install/lib/proj SQL3ROOT = /project/scec_608/mei/ucvm_main_sfcvm/install/lib/sqlite HDF5ROOT = /project/scec_608/mei/ucvm_main_sfcvm/install/lib/hdf5 #EXTRA_LINK_FLAGS = -L/usr/lib64 -llapack -lblas -lgfortran EXTRA_LINK_FLAGS = -L/usr/lib64 -lgfortran -L/spack/2206/apps/linux-centos7-x86_64_v3/gcc-11.3.0/openbla s-0.3.21-afcoykn/lib -lopenblas
sw4 (main branch with v3.0 tag)
mei@discovery1:/project/scec_608/mei/sw4-stock$ git checkout v3.0 Note: switching to 'v3.0'. You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch. If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example: git switch -c <new-branch-name> Or undo this operation with: git switch - Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false HEAD is now at 13e6d431 Merge pull request #195 from geodynamics/developer
Study setup
slurm script
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -J sfcvm_sw4 # Job name #SBATCH -o sfcvm_sw4.oo # Name of stdout output file #SBATCH -e # Name of stderr error file #SBATCH -N 10 # Total # of nodes #SBATCH -n 200 #SBATCH -t 2:00:00 # Run time (hh:mm:ss) #SBATCH #SBATCH --mail-type=all #SBATCH -p batch #SBATCH -A geo156 #SBATCH --open-mode=truncate source /ccs/home/mei/scratch/TARGET_UCVM_SFCVM/ucvm_install/conf/ srun -N10 -n200 /ccs/home/mei/scratch/sw4-ucvm_cmd/optimize_mp/sw4 sfcvm.txt
26G sfile
sfcvm.txt spec
# SW4 SCRIPT fileio path=sfcvm.output pfs=1 verbose=1 printcycle=10 nwriters=16 # GRID SIZE AND REFINEMENT grid x=280000 y=115000 z=30000 h=200.0 lat=39.111563 lon=-122.569504 az=143.638 proj=tmerc datum=NAD83 lon_p=-123.0 lat_p=35.0 scale=0.9996 refinement zmax=3600 refinement zmax=1500 #refinement zmax=400 supergrid gp=1 time t=0.1 utcstart=01/01/2021:00:00:00.0 #globalmaterial vsmin=250 vpmin=500 attenuation phasefreq=1.0 nmech=3 maxfreq=10.0 ##sfile filename=sfcvm.mesh.sfile directory=/lustre/orion/geo156/proj-shared/pinillar/sw4_test ucvm filename=sfcvm.h200 #prefilter fc2=2.5 type=lowpass passes=2 order=2 # POINT SOURCE source depth=12300 lat=37.85517 lon=-122.25683 m0=4.563e15 dip=80 strike=145 rake=180 t0=1.0 type=Dirac image mode=s z=0 file=image cycle=0 # Stations rec lat=37.59669 lon=-121.88094 depth=0 file=1688_37.59669_-121.88094 variables=velocity nsew=1 usgsformat=1 sacfor mat=0 #rec x=10000 y=10000 z=0 file=rec_11500 variables=velocity nsew=1 usgsformat=1 sacformat=0 sfileoutput file=sfcvm.mesh
sw4 result log
11G sfile
sfcvm.txt spec
# SW4 SCRIPT fileio path=sfcvm.output pfs=1 verbose=1 printcycle=10 nwriters=16 # GRID SIZE AND REFINEMENT grid x=280000 y=115000 z=30000 h=200.0 lat=39.111563 lon=-122.569504 az=143.638 proj=tmerc datum=NAD83 lon_p=-123.0 lat_p=35.0 scale=0.9996 refinement zmax=3600 refinement zmax=1500 #refinement zmax=400 supergrid gp=1 time t=0.1 utcstart=01/01/2021:00:00:00.0 #globalmaterial vsmin=250 vpmin=500 attenuation phasefreq=1.0 nmech=3 maxfreq=10.0 ##sfile filename=sfcvm.mesh.sfile directory=/lustre/orion/geo156/proj-shared/pinillar/sw4_test ucvm filename=sfcvm.h200 #prefilter fc2=2.5 type=lowpass passes=2 order=2 # POINT SOURCE source depth=12300 lat=37.85517 lon=-122.25683 m0=4.563e15 dip=80 strike=145 rake=180 t0=1.0 type=Dirac image mode=s z=0 file=image cycle=0 # Stations rec lat=37.59669 lon=-121.88094 depth=0 file=1688_37.59669_-121.88094 variables=velocity nsew=1 usgsformat=1 sacfor mat=0 #rec x=10000 y=10000 z=0 file=rec_11500 variables=velocity nsew=1 usgsformat=1 sacformat=0 sfileoutput file=sfcvm.mesh
sw4 result log,
---------------------------------------------------------------- sw4 version 3.0 This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; released under GPL. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions, see LICENSE.txt for more details ---------------------------------------------------------------- Compiled on: Fri 26 Jul 2024 06:46:45 PM EDT By user: mei Machine: login08 Compiler: /opt/cray/pe/mpich/8.1.27/ofi/gnu/9.1/bin/mpicxx 3rd party include dir: /ccs/home/mei/scratch/TARGET_UCVM_SFCVM/ucvm_install/lib/proj/include, and library dir: /ccs/home/mei/scratch/TARGET_UCVM_SFCVM/ucvm_install/lib/proj/lib ---------------------------------------------------------------- Input file: sfcvm.txt Default Supergrid thickness has been tuned; # grid points = 1 grid sizes Default Supergrid damping coefficient has been tuned; damping coefficient = 2.00000000e-02 * Processing the grid command... * Setting nx to 1401 to be consistent with h=2.00000000e+02 * Setting ny to 576 to be consistent with h=2.00000000e+02 * Setting nz to 151 to be consistent with h=2.00000000e+02 cleanupRefinementLevels: topo_zmax = 0.00000000e+00 Cartesian refinement levels (z=): 3.60000000e+03 1.50000000e+03 0.00000000e+00 Grid distributed on 200 processors Finest grid size 5607 x 2307 Processor array 20 x 10 Number of curvilinear grids = 0 Number of Cartesian grids = 3 Total number of grids = 3 Extent of the computational domain xmax=2.80000000e+05 ymax=1.15000000e+05 zmax=3.00000000e+04 Cartesian refinement levels after correction: Grid=0 z-min=3.60000000e+03 Grid=1 z-min=1.50000000e+03 Grid=2 z-min=0.00000000e+00 Corrected global_zmax = 3.00000000e+04 Rank=0, Grid #2 (Cartesian), iInterior=[1,281], jInterior=[1,231], kInterior=[1,31] Rank=0, Grid #1 (Cartesian), iInterior=[1,141], jInterior=[1,116], kInterior=[1,22] Rank=0, Grid #0 (Cartesian), iInterior=[1,71], jInterior=[1,58], kInterior=[1,133] *** No topography command found in input file. Using z=0 as free surface boundary *** Global grid sizes (without ghost points) Grid h Nx Ny Nz Points Type 0 200 1401 576 133 107327808 Cartesian 1 100 2801 1151 22 70926922 Cartesian 2 50 5601 2301 31 399524931 Cartesian Total number of grid points (without ghost points): 5.7778e+08 *** Using UCVM sfcvm.h200 in directory ./ MaterialUCVM::read_UCVM, time to read material file: 3.01000000e-07 seconds. Cartesian coordinates of source at (lon, lat)=(-1.222568e+02, 3.785517e+01) is (x,y)=(128873, 59901.3) Read station input, took 2.35780000e-04seconds. Execution time, reading input file 2.60684555e-01 seconds Assuming a PARALLEL file system Writing images from (up to) 16 procs Detected at least one boundary with supergrid conditions ---------------------------------------------------- Making Directory: sfcvm.output/ ... Done! ---------------------------------------------------- Geographic and Cartesian coordinates of the corners of the computational grid: 0: Lon= -1.225695e+02, Lat=3.911156e+01, x=5.624866e-10, y=4.141253e-10 1: Lon= -1.207151e+02, Lat=3.705896e+01, x=2.800000e+05, y=1.164153e-09 2: Lon= -1.217658e+02, Lat=3.646019e+01, x=2.800000e+05, y=1.150000e+05 3: Lon= -1.236348e+02, Lat=3.849645e+01, x=-8.294592e-10, y=1.150000e+05 top_right = [39.111563, -122.569504] bot_right = [37.058959, -120.715088] bot_left = [36.460193, -121.765788] top_left = [38.496453, -123.634753] Considering all material blocks Query last batch 28 Read 572402 points Rank 0 grid 0: rho min = -1.00, max = 3300.00 Rank 0 grid 0: cp min = -1.00, max = 7781.14 Rank 0 grid 0: cs min = -1.00, max = 4416.69 Query last batch 22 Read 457968 points Rank 0 grid 1: rho min = -1.00, max = 2663.03 Rank 0 grid 1: cp min = -1.00, max = 5486.68 Rank 0 grid 1: cs min = -1.00, max = 3294.37 Query last batch 120 Read 2401707 points Rank 0 grid 2: rho min = -1.00, max = 2656.13 Rank 0 grid 2: cp min = -1.00, max = 4834.72 Rank 0 grid 2: cs min = -1.00, max = 2904.44 UCVM command: outside = 0, material = 476852337 ----------- Material properties ranges --------------- 1.60438900e+03 kg/m^3 <= Density <= 3.30000000e+03 kg/m^3 7.30335000e+02 m/s <= Vp <= 7.78155700e+03 m/s 8.02080000e+01 m/s <= Vs <= 4.41693400e+03 m/s 1.46159672e+00 <= Vp/Vs <= 1.49239438e+01 1.03217139e+07 Pa <= mu <= 6.43807097e+10 Pa 5.47929452e+07 Pa <= lambda <= 7.10622575e+10 Pa Using attenuation 4.01040000e+00 <= Qs <= 2.20846700e+02 8.02080000e+00 <= Qp <= 4.41693400e+02 ------------------------------------------------------ ***** PPW = minVs/h/maxFrequency ******** g=0, h=2.000000e+02, minVs/h=9.02643 (Cartesian) g=1, h=1.000000e+02, minVs/h=8.72043 (Cartesian) g=2, h=5.000000e+01, minVs/h=1.60416 (Cartesian) *** Attenuation parameters calculated for 3 mechanisms, max freq=1.000000e+01 [Hz], min_freq=1.000000e-01 [Hz], velo_freq=1.000000e+00 [Hz] omega[0]=6.283185e-01 omega[1]=6.283185e+00 omega[2]=6.283185e+01 omc[0]=6.283185e-01 omc[1]=1.986918e+00 omc[2]=6.283185e+00 omc[3]=1.986918e+01 omc[4]=6.283185e+01 Assigned material properties *** computing the time step *** TIME accuracy order=4 CFL=1.30000000e+00 prel. time step=8.72078955e-03 time step = 9.09090909e-03 *** Initialized Images Min source z-level: 1.230000e+04, max source z-level: 1.230000e+04 Execution time, start up phase 52 minutes 3.78607278e+01 seconds Running sw4 on 200 processors... Writing output to directory: sfcvm.output/ *** Starting solve *** ============================================================ Running program on 200 MPI tasks using the following data: Start Time = 0 Goal Time = 0.1 Number of time steps = 11 dt: 0.00909091 ============================================================ Global boundary conditions x=0 supergrid x=xMax supergrid y=0 supergrid y=yMax supergrid z=topo free surface z=zMax supergrid Query last batch 28 ..
22G sfile
sfcvm.txt spec
# SW4 SCRIPT fileio path=sfcvm.output pfs=1 verbose=1 printcycle=10 nwriters=16 # GRID SIZE AND REFINEMENT grid x=280000 y=115000 z=30000 h=400.0 lat=39.111563 lon=-122.569504 az=143.638 proj=tmerc datum=NAD83 lon_p=-123.0 lat_p=35.0 scale=0.9996 refinement zmax=10000 refinement zmax=3600 refinement zmax=1300 refinement zmax=350 supergrid gp=1 time t=0.1 utcstart=01/01/2021:00:00:00.0 #globalmaterial vsmin=250 vpmin=500 attenuation phasefreq=1.0 nmech=3 maxfreq=10.0 ##sfile filename=sfcvm.mesh.sfile directory=/lustre/orion/geo156/proj-shared/pinillar/sw4_test ucvm filename=sfcvm.h200 #prefilter fc2=2.5 type=lowpass passes=2 order=2 # POINT SOURCE source depth=12300 lat=37.85517 lon=-122.25683 m0=4.563e15 dip=80 strike=145 rake=180 t0=1.0 type=Dirac image mode=s z=0 file=image cycle=0 # Stations rec lat=37.59669 lon=-121.88094 depth=0 file=1688_37.59669_-121.88094 variables=velocity nsew=1 usgsformat=1 sacfor mat=0 #rec x=10000 y=10000 z=0 file=rec_11500 variables=velocity nsew=1 usgsformat=1 sacformat=0 sfileoutput file=sfcvm.mesh
sw4 result log
sw4 plots (22g)
Validate with depth profiles
2 cybershake sites:
RNHL : 3,RNHL,,37.858840,-121.992640 CFCS : 1,CFCS,,37.335743,-122.022736 -s 37.858840,-121.992640 -b 0 -e 50000 -d vs,vp,density -v 100 -c sfcvm -o depth_RNHL .png -i /var/www/html/UCVM_web_sfcvm/web/model/UCVM_TARGET -s 37.335743,-122.022736 -b 0 -e 50000 -d vs,vp,density -v 100 -c sfcvm -o depth_CFCS .png -i /var/www/html/UCVM_web_sfcvm/web/model/UCVM_TARGET -s 37.858840,-121.992640 -b 0 -e 10000 -d vs -v 100 -c sfcvm,elygtl:taper -o depth_RN HL_1.png -i /var/www/html/UCVM_web_sfcvm/web/model/UCVM_TARGET -L 100,500,500 -s 37.335743,-122.022736 -b 0 -e 10000 -d vs -v 100 -c sfcvm,elygtl:taper -o depth_CF CS_1.png -i /var/www/html/UCVM_web_sfcvm/web/model/UCVM_TARGET -L 100,500,500