Staff Priorities - Fabio

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Revision as of 17:26, 7 August 2012 by Fsilva (talk | contribs)
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  • Trac #152: Fixed rupture slip plot
  • Ran all full validations using the updated GP trunk
    • Most already finished ok, waiting for a few more
  • Broadband development meeting with Phil


  • Check all validation results
  • Check in updated code, create new validation and velocity model packages
  • Look into LOMAP results from over the weekend (Fabio + Phil)
  • Work on SCEC meeting abstract
  • Continue sketching BBP workflow (component by component with input and output files)
  • Integrate SDSU code v1.4 into Broadband
  • Look into HPCC 50-realization LOMAP script
  • Trac #131: Package new parallel running scripts and check them into svn as part of BBP
  • Trac #128: Work on Cruise Control setup


  • No


  • Compare results with Phil @ TBD