Staff Priorities - Fabio

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Revision as of 16:54, 16 August 2012 by Fsilva (talk | contribs)
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  • Call with CG to discuss validation experiment pipeline
  • Reverted to g77 for Rob's HF code (gfortran generates NaN in output)
  • Fix bug in workflow generator that caused only GP GOF module to run
  • Ran 4-station LOMAP test (GOOD)
  • Ran full LOMAP test (GOOD)
    • SDSU MOGOF takes a long time to run
    • Produces lots of plots


  • RP II interview @ 11:30
  • Follow up e-mail with CG to clarify use of site response and HP/LP filters while generating GOF
  • Look into arias plots module
  • Write script to run LOMAP full validation on HPCC
  • Test batching scripts with trunk
  • Trac #131: Package new parallel running scripts and check them into svn as part of BBP
    • Test new package with trunk


  • No


  • RP II interview @ 11:30am
  • ExSIM call with Phil, Paul, and Karen @ 2:00pm


  • Integrate SDSU code v1.4 into Broadband (after receiving data files)