Staff Priorities - Masha

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Revision as of 19:56, 21 February 2013 by Liukis (talk | contribs)
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Current Activities


  • CSEP status meeting at 9am
    • Posted meeting minutes, sent out next meeting announcement
    • Email exchange with Danijel to stop STEP Matlab on csep-op
  • csep-op:
    • Catching up with one-day Md2 CA forecasts due to the race condition
  • NZTC:
    • Batch processing to generate hybrid forecasts where it left off due to out of disk space (using input catalog up to 2001-2011)



  • csep-op:
    • Catching up with one-day Md2 CA forecasts due to the race condition
    • Remove STEP Matlab from CA one-day forecasts groups configuration files
  • Trac ticket #306 Don't preserve OneDayModelInputCatalog data products within testing framework
  • NZTC: Monitor hybrid forecast generation
  • Request from David Rhoades to provide examples of alarm-based forecasts for hybrid forecast
  • Open Trac tickets:
    • 295 Diagnostics tests should be applied to time-dependent forecasts
    • 303 Process Global experiments for 2012/12: 8-17 due to network issues on csep-op server
    • 302 Develop interactive results viewer application:
      • Waiting for current processing to finish to enable VM

Blocked: None

Followups: with Phil on CSEP priorities later this week
