Staff Priorities - Masha

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Revision as of 14:43, 29 March 2013 by Liukis (talk | contribs)
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Current Activities


  • CSEP V13.4.0 release candidate:
    • John installed new RPMs on csep-cert, ran all tests successfully
  • Testing of new server as csep-cert:
    • csep-cert and csep-cert-test (new server) use the same ANSS and CMT SVNs, errors committing from both servers during nightly processing
  • Max from GFZ asked to process complete testing period of 2008-2012 for USGS forecasts, started processing



  • Testing of new server as csep-cert:
    • Set up to use catalogs SVNs "testdata" branch to avoid conflicts with csep-cert main branch
  • Post CSEP status meeting minutes
  • Data request by David Rhoades (retrospective 20 years of 3-month alarm-based forecasts)

Blocked: None

Followups: None
