Staff Priorities - Masha

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Revision as of 17:18, 9 April 2013 by Liukis (talk | contribs)
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Current Activities


  • Tagged CSEP V13.4.0 release in SVN, built RPMs
  • Processing of Md2 long-term forecast groups is running, have to wait to switch the server and to install the release
  • Posted full 5-year evaluation results for USGS forecasts vs. RELM forecasts for Max
  • Reviewed experiment rules by Warner, sent the response
  • Investigate results discrepancy evaluating CA 3-month forecasts (reported by Max at GFZ)



  • Investigate results discrepancy evaluating CA 3-month forecasts (reported by Max at GFZ)
  • NZTC: Set up configuration files to evaluate one-year forecasts for Canterbury special study
  • Pending data requests:
    • By David Rhoades (retrospective 20 years of 3-month alarm-based forecasts)
    • By Alvaro Gonzalez: to process missed one-day forecasts and latest results
    • By Max Schneider: retrospective evaluation of USGS forecasts since 1960

Blocked: None

Followups: None
