Staff Priorities - Scott

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Revision as of 17:33, 16 April 2013 by Scottcal (talk | contribs)
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  • Blue Waters
    • Worked on debugging GPU code
  • Emailed Rob about SBSM high ground motions
  • Emailed Rob with new velocity plots


  • Blue Waters
    • Reformat GPU SGTs for calculating hazard curve
    • Continue work on coscheduling
  • Identify directories used in 2011-12 CyberShake runs and zip
  • If John upgraded aftershock disk, rerun monitord population


  • No


  • GB call?

Check on SA forward sim Email Stampede staff, let them know about node crashing solution Finish wiki entries for Stampede and Blue Waters validation

Areas of Responsibilities

  • CyberShake 1.4
  • Broadband CyberShake
  • Code migration