Staff Priorities - David

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- Continued some ShakeOut work
- Began working on CSDRS site hazard curve generation
    - Ran into some issues
    - Contacted Kevin who sorted them out
    - Implemented hazard curve generation
- Reviewed status of CVMs - where blocked
    - CVM-H SMB model: cannot spot differences
    - CVM-SI model: interpolation method
- Pushed through a couple more CyberShake runs


- CyberShake Production Run Monitoring
- CyberShake Data Request Site
    - Implement ability to change text on map
    - Implement different IM types
    - Allow for different basemaps
    - Add time of request to metadata
    - Further testing and verification
- Check on UCVM abstract for CIG
- ./configure make install for CVM-S
    - Basically finished, wrap it up


- No


- No