Staff Priorities - David

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- CVM-S4.22
    - Change fence diagram height to 15km.
    - Change lat, lon indicators on fence diagram to white instead of red.
    - Discrete color bar 500m/s for Vp, Vs.
    - Generate plots for CVM-S with Vs cap.
    - Generate plots for CVM-S4.22 with new scheme.
    - CyberShake calls
    - Generated new hazard maps, sent to SC
    - Generated new difference and ratio maps, also sent to SC


- Call with JS @ 11:30am
    - Tasks from call unknown but suspect there will be many
- Call with MK @ 1:00pm
    - Discuss how she can query CVM-H via UCVM in Fortran
- Finishing up plots for CVM-S, CVM-S Vs 1000m/s, CVM-S4.22
    - Looking good - send to PM when done
    - If decided to do so, implement EJL's true scheme for generating base model


- No


- JS @ 11:30am
- MK @ 1:00pm