Staff Priorities - Fabio

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Revision as of 17:10, 4 August 2014 by Fsilva (talk | contribs)
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  • Merged latest version of PyNGA into the BBP
    • NGA-West 2 GMPEs
  • Contacted CG regarding A0811EPRI validation
    • Will do when back from vacation
  • Finalized scenario simulations with JB
    • Ready to run
  • BBP call
  • Generated 50 Realizations of Chino Hills and Northridge
  • SCEC AM hotel reservation


  • Run first 20 simulation scenarios for JB
    • Send results, wait for go-ahead
  • Work on AGU abstract
    • Submit to "Seismology Contributions: Earthquake Ground Motions and Engineering Seismology" session
  • Continue GMPE integration into BBP (NGA-W1, NGA-W2, CENA1 packaging)


  • No


  • No