Staff Priorities - David

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Revision as of 18:20, 11 December 2014 by Davidgil (talk | contribs) (→‎Today)
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- Interacted with RT about UCVM paper issues
    - Needed some data for velocity model table
    - Had to go back to code, look, and verify
- Completed poster and sent off to PM for review
    - Not many changes from the AM poster
- Queued up SSH mesh for WS
    - Completed, looks good
- Followed up with JY about LDAP
    - Have necessary credentials to login to
- Continued work on SCEC web site
    - Automated deployment strategy
    - Targeting meeting with PM and TH on Friday
- Started setting up new laptop


- Couple of minor follow up questions to RT
- Transfer mesh to Titan for WS
- Print poster
- Continue with SCEC site prototype


- No


- No