Staff Priorities - Scott

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Revision as of 18:08, 3 February 2015 by Scottcal (talk | contribs)
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  • Fixed issue with RotD results in PAS 1 Hz workflow, completed
  • Discovered OLCF blocked access to previous scratch directory, emailed; am waiting for access to be restored
  • Queued up 2 tests of changing filtering parameters
  • David generated Vs profiles at UGMS 14 sites


  • Requested changes to plots from David
  • Start working on CAAR proposal
  • Continue debugging DirectSynth
  • Send out draft application email to IHPCSS larger committee
  • Email Tom list of CS courses for new grad students, comments on HPC Summer Schools


  • No


  • HighF call

Areas of Responsibilities

  • CyberShake
  • Broadband CyberShake
  • Code migration