HighF v14.12 Data Comparison
In this page we show a comparison between seismograms generated by Hercules and AWP for some of the stations in the La Habra station list.
Simulation Results
May 13th 2015
AWP results are the same as in May 11th, Hercules results were updated with Reference Frequency = 0.5Hz, Source without filtering).
- Short Distance
- FUL - X component (FFT), Y component (FFT), Z component (FFT)
- BRE - X component, (FFT), Y component, (FFT), Z component, (FFT)
- DLA - X component, (FFT), Y component, (FFT), Z component, (FFT)
- Mid Distance
- Far Distance
May 11th 2015
- FUL - X component (FFT), Y component (FFT), Z component (FFT)
- BRE - X component, (FFT), Y component, (FFT), Z component, (FFT)
- DLA - X component, (FFT), Y component, (FFT), Z component, (FFT)
Background Information
Station Selection
We picked the following stations for this comparison:
- Short distance:
- FUL - 5.6 km
- BRE - 13.5 km
- DLA - 17.4 km
- Mid distance
- 24945 - 40.2 km
- GR2 - 40.5 km
- BHP - 40.5 km
- Far distance
- Q0049 - 80.1 km
- AGO - 81.1 km
- PTD - 81.4 km
Hercules Data Files
The Hercules results are located on Blue Waters at ‘/u/sciteam/khoshnev/scratch/N_Lahabra_sim_4Hz/ ‘. The stations are in '../outputfiles/stations/' folder. X and Y components are according to the simulation domain (rotation angle 39.9). For Z component simply multiply it by -1 to get the same positive direction with data. There are 356 stations, which are same as the SCEC wiki page but are ordered according to the epicentral distance (smaller to larger, please see the station list below).
Hercules File format
Each file has 10 columns as follows:
- C1 : Time steps
- C2,C3,C4 : Displacement ( Directions : | , --- , . ) (m)
- C5,C6,C7 : Velocity ( Directions : | , --- , . )(m/s)
- C8,C9,C10 : Acceleration ( Directions : | , --- , . )(m/s2)
Hercules Station List
The stations below are sorted by epicentral distance:
station.0 33.909 -117.931 station.1 33.931 -117.956 station.2 33.9454 -117.9237 station.3 33.933 -117.896 station.4 33.889 -117.887 station.5 33.8717 -117.9225 station.6 33.947 -117.991 station.7 33.866 -117.959 station.8 33.946 -118.001 station.9 33.905 -118.011 station.10 33.989 -117.89 station.11 34 -117.935 station.12 33.84 -117.957 station.13 34.0095 -117.9508 station.14 33.853 -117.858 station.15 33.889 -118.047 station.16 34.001 -118.0133 station.17 33.927 -117.803 station.18 33.928 -118.058 station.19 34.021 -117.866 station.20 34.036 -117.951 station.21 33.853 -117.818 station.22 33.962 -118.066 station.23 33.8078 -117.9812 station.24 34.043 -117.912 station.25 33.819 -117.85 station.26 34.002 -117.814 station.27 33.899 -117.777 station.28 34.032 -118.019 station.29 33.789 -117.921 station.30 33.791 -117.968 station.31 33.785 -117.89 station.32 33.939 -118.099 station.33 33.837 -118.072 station.34 34.001 -118.078 station.35 34.065 -117.893 station.36 33.8285 -117.7894 station.37 34.073 -117.938 station.38 33.7882 -117.844 station.39 34.067 -117.985 station.40 33.767 -117.918 station.41 33.8482 -118.0962 station.42 33.883 -118.118 station.43 33.92 -118.127 station.44 33.846 -118.107 station.45 33.777 -117.834 station.46 33.757 -117.956 station.47 33.863 -117.742 station.48 33.768 -117.85 station.49 33.786 -117.809 station.50 33.991 -118.121 station.51 34.096 -117.906 station.52 33.749 -117.875 station.53 34.075 -118.042 station.54 34.0508 -118.0808 station.55 33.818 -118.108 station.56 33.798 -118.0884 station.57 33.798 -118.0884 station.58 33.742 -117.894 station.59 33.772 -117.803 station.60 34.1047 -117.9796 station.61 33.969 -118.149 station.62 33.748 -117.844 station.63 33.99 -117.718 station.64 33.9753 -118.1492 station.65 34.091 -117.809 station.66 34.092 -117.81 station.67 33.924 -118.168 station.68 34.0918 -117.8071 station.69 34.056 -117.749 station.70 34.0497 -118.12 station.71 34.114 -117.851 station.72 34.017 -118.147 station.73 33.727 -118.001 station.74 34.041 -118.13 station.75 33.8811 -118.1757 station.76 33.873 -118.175 station.77 33.757 -118.085 station.78 34.132 -117.911 station.79 33.834 -118.161 station.80 33.81 -118.15 station.81 33.723 -118.026 station.82 34.109 -118.058 station.83 34.084 -118.101 station.84 33.818 -118.158 station.85 33.999 -118.178 station.86 33.7043 -117.8858 station.87 33.9988 -117.6804 station.88 34.141 -117.967 station.89 33.777 -118.133 station.90 33.723 -118.054 station.91 33.926 -117.658 station.92 33.7 -117.88 station.93 33.696 -117.953 station.94 34.103 -118.1 station.95 34.096 -117.745 station.96 34.147 -117.999 station.97 33.898 -118.209 station.98 33.759 -118.131 station.99 33.84 -118.195 station.100 34.057 -117.698 station.101 34.037 -118.178 station.102 33.931 -118.214 station.103 34.071 -118.151 station.104 33.976 -118.209 station.105 33.6845 -117.943 station.106 34.125 -117.777 station.107 34.053 -118.172 station.108 34.05 -118.176 station.109 34.097 -118.131 station.110 34.149 -118.03 station.111 33.785 -118.173 station.112 34.066 -118.169 station.113 33.727 -117.748 station.114 33.676 -117.963 station.115 33.876 -117.635 station.116 33.763 -118.168 station.117 34.121 -117.738 station.118 34.031 -118.208 station.119 33.924 -118.239 station.120 33.827 -118.217 station.121 33.7903 -118.1988 station.122 33.663 -117.902 station.123 33.876 -118.24 station.124 34.108 -118.154 station.125 34.076 -117.671 station.126 34.062 -118.201 station.127 34.062 -118.201 station.128 33.802 -118.215 station.129 34.057 -118.206 station.130 33.662 -117.997 station.131 34.027 -118.225 station.132 34.1368 -118.122 station.133 34.058 -118.209 station.134 34.1504 -118.1016 station.135 34.058 -118.21 station.136 34.1369 -118.126 station.137 34.1369 -118.126 station.138 33.769 -118.197 station.139 34.026 -118.23 station.140 34.1368 -118.1283 station.141 34.137 -118.128 station.142 33.9487 -118.2554 station.143 34.1401 -118.1275 station.144 33.929 -118.261 station.145 34.112 -117.681 station.146 33.867 -118.262 station.147 33.876 -117.593 station.148 34.075 -118.218 station.149 33.678 -117.754 station.150 33.678 -117.753 station.151 34.013 -118.257 station.152 34.055 -118.236 station.153 34.155 -118.133 station.154 34.032 -117.608 station.155 33.634 -117.903 station.156 34.041 -118.248 station.157 34.052 -118.242 station.158 34.033 -117.607 station.159 33.664 -117.7686 station.160 34.149 -118.151 station.161 33.66 -117.775 station.162 33.7953 -117.6091 station.163 34.058 -118.246 station.164 33.955 -117.576 station.165 34.059 -118.246 station.166 34.059 -118.247 station.167 33.624 -117.93 station.168 33.624 -117.929 station.169 34.056 -118.252 station.170 34.056 -118.252 station.171 34.058 -118.252 station.172 34.037 -118.264 station.173 34.051 -118.26 station.174 34.048 -118.262 station.175 33.969 -118.291 station.176 34.166 -118.15 station.177 33.904 -117.561 station.178 34.188 -118.115 station.179 34.004 -118.287 station.180 33.939 -118.3 station.181 34.043 -118.272 station.182 33.811 -118.277 station.183 33.8757 -117.5611 station.184 34.0192 -118.2863 station.185 34.025 -118.285 station.186 34.1207 -117.6381 station.187 33.843 -117.565 station.188 34.021 -118.29 station.189 34.056 -118.274 station.190 34.0046 -117.5616 station.191 33.605 -117.89 station.192 34.14 -118.211 station.193 33.909 -118.315 station.194 34.2236 -118.0583 station.195 34.224 -118.058 station.196 34.145 -117.651 station.197 34.08 -118.268 station.198 33.99 -118.312 station.199 33.747 -118.26 station.200 33.69 -117.655 station.201 34.1714 -118.1852 station.202 33.5974 -117.8791 station.203 33.922 -118.327 station.204 33.856 -117.541 station.205 33.938 -118.327 station.206 33.856 -117.54 station.207 33.732 -118.258 station.208 33.749 -118.272 station.209 34.077 -118.287 station.210 33.75 -118.278 station.211 33.8689 -118.3314 station.212 34.021 -118.325 station.213 34.1 -118.288 station.214 34.104 -117.574 station.215 34.134 -117.598 station.216 33.884 -117.514 station.217 34.063 -118.316 station.218 33.993 -118.343 station.219 34.084 -118.308 station.220 33.976 -118.353 station.221 34.014 -117.511 station.222 34.163 -118.255 station.223 34.1182 -118.3002 station.224 33.9905 -118.3617 station.225 33.919 -117.488 station.226 33.869 -118.368 station.227 33.7126 -118.2938 station.228 33.605 -117.705 station.229 34.008 -118.362 station.230 33.886 -118.373 station.231 33.975 -117.487 station.232 33.961 -118.379 station.233 33.945 -118.381 station.234 34.069 -118.346 station.235 33.963 -118.38 station.236 34.0003 -118.3779 station.237 34.208 -118.233 station.238 34.123 -117.54 station.239 33.7403 -118.3352 station.240 33.921 -118.391 station.241 34.037 -118.376 station.242 33.77 -117.501 station.243 34.2388 -117.6585 station.244 34.036 -118.378 station.245 34.051 -118.384 station.246 33.849 -117.455 station.247 33.951 -117.445 station.248 33.917 -117.443 station.249 33.9405 -118.4207 station.250 33.643 -117.569 station.251 34.0762 -118.3959 station.252 33.528 -117.768 station.253 34.072 -118.399 station.254 34.3334 -118.0259 station.255 34.115 -118.38 station.256 33.9627 -118.437 station.257 33.5526 -117.6617 station.258 33.7435 -118.4041 station.259 34.1764 -118.3597 station.260 34.0216 -118.4463 station.261 34.125 -117.454 station.262 34.0996 -117.4388 station.263 33.951 -117.388 station.264 34.2001 -118.3604 station.265 33.731 -117.428 station.266 33.979 -117.374 station.267 34.069 -117.398 station.268 33.9935 -117.3755 station.269 34.2535 -118.3338 station.270 34.1062 -118.455 station.271 34.1062 -118.455 station.272 34.172 -117.428 station.273 33.979 -117.344 station.274 34.193 -117.427 station.275 34.323 -117.565 station.276 33.9731 -117.3272 station.277 33.9733 -117.3267 station.278 34.382 -117.6782 station.279 34.3148 -117.5464 station.280 33.895 -117.322 station.281 34.103 -117.349 station.282 34.033 -117.312 station.283 34.277 -118.397 station.284 34.188 -118.477 station.285 34.4489 -117.9554 station.286 34.0928 -117.3169 station.287 34.2712 -117.4245 station.288 34.206 -117.367 station.289 34.135 -117.322 station.290 34.066 -117.293 station.291 34.163 -117.333 station.292 34.066 -117.28 station.293 34.249 -118.479 station.294 34.096 -117.287 station.295 33.968 -117.252 station.296 34.1054 -117.2829 station.297 34.439 -117.647 station.298 34.0838 -118.599 station.299 34.282 -118.4792 station.300 34.282 -118.4792 station.301 34.4837 -118.1178 station.302 34.165 -117.289 station.303 34.466 -118.204 station.304 33.699 -117.266 station.305 34.426 -117.544 station.306 34.133 -117.253 station.307 34.3053 -118.4881 station.308 34.197 -117.285 station.309 34.5215 -117.991 station.310 34.2287 -118.5583 station.311 33.8616 -117.2053 station.312 33.912 -117.196 station.313 34.3108 -118.4968 station.314 34.0593 -118.6461 station.315 34.222 -118.571 station.316 34.066 -117.215 station.317 34.166 -117.251 station.318 34.1213 -117.219 station.319 34.54 -118.06 station.320 33.921 -117.173 station.321 33.831 -117.181 station.322 34.145 -117.219 station.323 33.3706 -117.5574 station.324 34.5298 -118.1445 station.325 34.307 -117.313 station.326 34.3656 -117.3668 station.327 34.1717 -118.6497 station.328 34.026 -117.155 station.329 34.2324 -117.2348 station.330 34.3956 -118.4984 station.331 34.0355 -117.1124 station.332 33.748 -117.127 station.333 34.1065 -117.0982 station.334 34.197 -117.126 station.335 34.1465 -118.767 station.336 34.0044 -118.8069 station.337 34.442 -118.5821 station.338 34.046 -117.035 station.339 34.614 -118.2893 station.340 34.617 -118.285 station.341 34.2709 -118.7441 station.342 34.6884 -117.8242 station.343 34.6306 -118.305 station.344 33.9214 -116.9806 station.345 33.93 -116.973 station.346 33.96 -116.953 station.347 34.6871 -118.2995 station.348 34.049 -116.9403 station.349 34.7031 -118.4257 station.350 34.281 -118.9047 station.351 34.6822 -118.574 station.352 34.6145 -118.7235 station.353 34.1082 -119.0659 station.354 34.8788 -118.2286 station.355 34.9906 -118.3416
Hercules Station Mapping
Since the Hercules station list was sorted by epicentral distance, we need to map the desired station names into the Hercules stations.
- Short distance
- FUL --> Hercules station.5
- BRE --> Hercules station.23
- DLA --> Hercules station.41
- Mid distance
- 24945 --> Hercules station.222
- GR2 --> Hercules station.223
- BHP --> Hercules station.224
- Large distance
- Q0049 --> Hercules station.334
- AGO --> Hercules station.335
- PTD --> Hercules station.336
AWP Data Files
The AWP results are located at '/u/sciteam/wsavran/scratch/la_habra/1d’ on Blue Waters. You will find 3 files named seis_[x,y,z]0075000, which correspond to the x, y, and z components respectively. These components are aligned with the simulation domain, so they will need to be rotated into the E-W and N-S directions if desired.
The AWP files are 4-byte little-endian floating point numbers stored fast time, then station. The time-series are 3000 points long with a dt of 0.025s resulting in 75.0 seconds of simulation time. We have extracted seismograms at the 356 stations listed in the order they are present on the SCEC wiki page:
The files labeled seis_[x,y,z]0075000 are the aggregated seismograms, meaning they are already extracted from the simulation output. They are 4 byte little-endian floating point numbers with fast-time. There are 356 stations with 3,000 time points each. The ordering of the stations is the same as the station list provided at the SCEC High-F wiki page. They are the [x,y,z] components of ground motion aligned with the simulation domain.
AWP File Format
The 3 files above were processed by William, and split into 356 separate files, one for each station. These files were names <station_id>-AWP-ODC.dat, where station_id is the id listed for each station in the SCEC station wiki page linked above. The processed files are velocity seismograms in ASCII format, using the following format:
- C1 (Time)
- C2 (X_Velocity m/s)
- C3 (Y_Velocity m/s)
- C4 (Z_Velocity m/s)
They are in a raw form, meaning they have not been rotated or filtered as this should be done carefully to be the exact same between both simulations.
Generating Comparison Plots
In order to generate comparison plots using SAC, the following steps are needed.
Processing AWP files
AWP files are already in a 4-column timestamp, data, data, data format, but need to be converted so that X and Y components match the order in the BBP files. We can use the awp2bbp tool for that:
- awp2bbp.py CI_FUL-AWP-ODC.dat CI_FUL-AWP-ODC.bbp
- awp2bbp.py CI_BRE-AWP-ODC.dat CI_BRE-AWP-ODC.bbp
- awp2bbp.py CI_DLA-AWP-ODC.dat CI_DLA-AWP-ODC.bbp
Then, we can use the bbp2sac utility to convert these files into 3 sac files (X/Y/Z), using the following commands:
- bbp2sac.py CI_FUL-AWP-ODC.bbp
- bbp2sac.py CI_DLA-AWP-ODC.bbp
- bbp2sac.py CI_BRE-AWP-ODC.bbp
Processing Hercules files
Hercules files first need to be converted into a 4-colum timestamp, data, data, data format. We use a new "hercules2bbp.py" script that reads each line and selects the columns containing the velocity data:
- hercules2bbp.py station.5 CI_FUL-Hercules-vel.bbp
- hercules2bbp.py station.23 CI_BRE-Hercules-vel.bbp
- hercules2bbp.py station.41 CI_DLA-Hercules-vel.bbp
After this step is completed, we can use the bbp2sac.py tool to convert the bbp files into sac format:
- bbp2sac.py CI_FUL-Hercules-vel.bbp
- bbp2sac.py CI_BRE-Hercules-vel.bbp
- bbp2sac.py CI_DLA-Hercules-vel.bbp
Plotting using SAC
$ sac SAC> r ./CI_FUL-*.000.sac SAC> xlim 0 8 SAC> ylim -0.25 0.30 SAC> xlabel "Time (s)" SAC> ylabel "m/s" SAC> color r SAC> grid on SAC> title "STATION FUL - Y component" SAC> p1 SAC> saveimg FUL-Y.pdf SAC> r ./CI_FUL-*.090.sac SAC> title "STATION FUL - X component" SAC> p1 SAC> saveimg FUL-X.pdf SAC> r ./CI_FUL-*.ver.sac SAC> title "STATION FUL - Z component" SAC> p1 SAC> saveimg FUL-Z.pdf
Plotting FFT using SAC
$ sac SAC> r ./CI_FUL-*.000.sac SAC> color r increment list red blue SAC> xlim 0.1 25 SAC> xlabel "Frequency" SAC> ylabel "FAS" SAC> loglog SAC> fft SAC> title "Station FUL - Y component" SAC> p2 SAC> saveimg FUL-Y-FFT.pdf SAC> r ./CI_FUL-*.090.sac SAC> fft SAC> title "Station FUL - X component" SAC> p2 SAC> saveimg FUL-X-FFT.pdf SAC> r ./CI_FUL-*.ver.sac SAC> fft SAC> title "Station FUL - Z component" SAC> p2 SAC> saveimg FUL-Z-FFT.pdf
Basic Simulation Parameters
- Computer used: Blue Waters
- Max freq: 4Hz
- Min Vs: 500 m/s
- Number of cores used: 300 * 32 = 9600
- Time to complete simulation: ( 11 hours 5 minutes 8.9 seconds )
- Estimated Cost (Node hours or SUs): 300*11 = 3300 (Node hours)
- simulated time: 100 s
- Total elements : 6178209792
- Number of time steps : 40000
- Compute/Communicate Ratio : 13.84
- Minimum size of elements : 10.9863 m
- Maximum size of elements : 87.8906 m
- Computer used: Blue Waters
- Max freq: 4Hz
- Min Vs: 500 m/s
- Number of cores used: 97,920
- Time to complete simulation: ( 10 hours 30 minutes )
- Estimated Cost (Node hours or SUs): 32,000 SU
- simulated time: s
- Total elements : 97,920,000,000
- Number of time steps : 100,000
- Compute/Communicate Ratio : n/a (run stopped short, did not write i/o or compute statistics.
- Spatial Discretization: 20 m
- Computer used: Blue Waters
- Max freq: ~8 Hz
- Min Vs: 860 m/s
- Number of cores used: 16,384
- Machine time: 2.6 Hrs
- Node hours: 1024*2.6=2662
- Simulation time: 12 sec
- Total elements: 14.35 billion
- Number of time steps: 9600
- Average element size: ~16 m
BW Storage Paths
- /home/scec-01/wsavran/qs010_qp2qs_1d_smth/
- /home/scec-00/scottcal/N_Lahabra_sim_4Hz_May13/outputfiles/stations/