s001 is one of the overlapping sites, near Ventura. The volume is 2400 x 4400 x 288 grid points (420 x 770 x 50.4 km).
Horizontal Plots
Horizontal cross-section, depth=0 km
Horizontal cross-section, depth=1.05 km
Horizontal cross-section, depth=9.975 km
Horizontal cross-section, depth=25.025 km
Horizontal cross-section, depth=50.225 km
Vertical Plots
Here's a plot showing where the cross sections come from:
Cross-sections parallel to the Y (long) axis:
Vertical cross-section, NW/SE, 8.75 km from W boundary
Vertical cross-section, NW/SE, 210 km from W boundary
Vertical cross-section, NW/SE, 411.25 km from W boundary
Cross-sections parallel to the X (short) axis:
Vertical cross-section, NW/SE, 8.75 km from W boundary
Vertical cross-section, NW/SE, 210 km from W boundary
Vertical cross-section, NW/SE, 411.25 km from W boundary
Vertical cross-section, NW/SE, 411.25 km from W boundary
s1252 is a site in the mountains near the San Andreas and just far enough north to include northern San Andreas events within the 200 km cutoff.
Horizontal Plots
Horizontal cross-section, depth=0 km
Horizontal cross-section, depth=1.05 km
Horizontal cross-section, depth=9.975 km
Horizontal cross-section, depth=25.025 km
Horizontal cross-section, depth=50.225 km
Vertical Plots