s001 is one of the overlapping sites, near Ventura. The volume is 2400 x 4400 x 288 grid points (420 x 770 x 50.4 km).
These plots were constructed using CCA, CVM-S4.26, and the 1D model.
Horizontal Plots
Horizontal cross-section, depth=0 km
Horizontal cross-section, depth=1.05 km
Horizontal cross-section, depth=9.975 km
Horizontal cross-section, depth=25.025 km
Horizontal cross-section, depth=50.225 km
Vertical Plots
Here's a plot showing where the cross sections come from:
Cross-sections parallel to the Y (long) axis:
50 Y vertical cross-section, NW/SE, 8.75 km from SW boundary
1200 Y vertical cross-section, NW/SE, 210 km from SW boundary
2350 Y vertical cross-section, NW/SE, 411.25 km from SW boundary
Cross-sections parallel to the X (short) axis:
475 X vertical cross-section, SW/NE, 83.125 km from NW boundary
1575 X vertical cross-section, SW/NE, 275.625 km from NW boundary
2725 X vertical cross-section, SW/NE, 476.875 km from NW boundary
3875 X vertical cross-section, SW/NE, 678.125 km from NW boundary
s1252 is a site in the mountains near the San Andreas and just far enough north to include northern San Andreas events within the 200 km cutoff.
These plots were generated using CCA, USGS Bay Area, and CVM-S4.26.
Horizontal Plots
Horizontal cross-section, depth=0 km
Horizontal cross-section, depth=1.05 km
Horizontal cross-section, depth=9.975 km
Horizontal cross-section, depth=25.025 km
Horizontal cross-section, depth=50.225 km
Vertical Plots
Here's a plot showing where the cross sections come from:
Cross-sections parallel to the Y (long) axis:
50 Y vertical cross-section, NW/SE, 8.75 km from SW boundary
1200 Y vertical cross-section, NW/SE, 210 km from SW boundary
2350 Y vertical cross-section, NW/SE, 411.25 km from SW boundary
Cross-sections parallel to the X (short) axis:
Cross-sections parallel to the X (short) axis:
445 X vertical cross-section, SW/NE, 83.125 km from NW boundary
1595 X vertical cross-section, SW/NE, 275.625 km from NW boundary
2745 X vertical cross-section, SW/NE, 476.875 km from NW boundary
3895 X vertical cross-section, SW/NE, 678.125 km from NW boundary
5045 X vertical cross-section, SW/NE, 678.125 km from NW boundary
6195 X vertical cross-section, SW/NE, 678.125 km from NW boundary