UCVM Density Formula

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We have reviewed how the density values are calculated in our tomography improved velocity models. We have determined that CVM-S4.26 calculated density from model Vs, and CCA06 provides density values in a data file. We reviewed algorithms to confirm that the same algorith is used to calculated density for both CVM-S4.6 and CCA06.

Compare Model Density to Formula Density

If model uses the formula, we'd expect values to fall on a diagonal line in these plots.

Density Formula used in CVM-S4.26 and CCA06

# * Calculates the density based off of Vs. Based on Nafe-Drake scaling relationship.
# *
# * @param vs The Vs value off which to scale.
# * @return Density, in g/m^3.
# */
def vs_2_density(vs):
  # Density scaling parameters
  p5 = -0.0024189659303912917
  p4 = 0.015600987888334450
  p3 = 0.051962399479341816
  p2 = -0.51231936640441489
  p1 = 1.2550758337054457
  p0 = 1.2948318548300342

  retVal = 0.0
  vs = vs / 1000.0
  retVal = p0 + p1 * vs + p2 * pow(vs, 2) + p3 * pow(vs, 3) + p4 * pow(vs, 4) + p5 * pow(vs, 5)
  retVal = retVal * 1000
  return retVal

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