UCVM cca/cvms5 comparing builtin-gtl vs elygtl:ely
CVM-S4.26.M01(cvmsi) & embedded GTL code
The GTL related flags and their default setting in cvmsi src code,
- ADD_ALT_GTL (set to 0)
- ADD_ROB_GTL (set to 0)
- ADD_TJ_GTL (set to 1)
- ADD_GTL (set to 0)
cvmsi has embedded gtl code but not turned on by default. ADD_GTL flag needs to be set to 1 in src/cvmsi.c, recompile and the new libcvmsi.so reinstalled. It can also accept external elygtl post processing.
invoking external gtl
To trigger inclusion of elygtl externally, supply elygtl:ely as one of the model in the modellist argument and supply the Zrange, for example, -z 0,350. Any point that falls within the Zrange would get gtl-ed.
srun -v --mpi=pmi2 ${SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR}/basin_query_mpi_complete -b ${TEST_TOP_PATH}/RESULT/h pc_cca_elygtl_500_z1.0_proj.first,${TEST_TOP_PATH}/RESULT/hpc_cca_elygtl_500_z1.0_proj.first OrSecond,${TEST_TOP_PATH}/RESULT/hpc_cca_elygtl_500_z1.0_proj.last,${TEST_TOP_PATH}/RESULT/h pc_cca_elygtl_500_z1.0_proj.secondOnly,${TEST_TOP_PATH}/RESULT/hpc_cca_elygtl_500_z1.0_proj. threeLast -o ${TEST_TOP_PATH}/RESULT/hpc_cca_elygtl_500_z1.0_proj.result,${TEST_TOP_PATH}/RE SULT/hpc_cca_elygtl_500_z1.0_proj.meta.json -f ${SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR}/ucvm.conf -m cca,elygtl:e ly -z 0,500 -i 20 -v 1000 -l 33.35,-123.0 -s 0.005 -x 1551 -y 1201
cvmsi Z1 plots
Using stock cvmsi (which is with ADD_TJ enable) and elygtl,
CCA and gtl
CCA has a gtl on/off flag in the data/config file.
It can also use external elygtl post processing
The depth interval in data/config is 500m.
CVM-S4.26(cvms5) and gtl
cvms5 has a gtl on/off flag in the data/config file.
It can also use external elygtl post processing.
depth interval in data/config is 500m.