Containers for CyberShake

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This page is to document the steps involved in enabling the CyberShake codebase to run in a container environment.

Selection of Containers

The available HPC technologies were Singularity, Charlie Cloud, and Shifter. Between the 3 of these container technologies, Singularity was widely adapted and had more open source tools. Because of this wide adaptation the module already existed in the Frontera system. Singularity has built-in support for different MPI libraries from OpenMPI, MPICH, IntelMPI to name a few. Shifter is highly reliant on MPICH ABI, which would require site-specific MPI libraries to be copied to the container at run time.

Setting up a serial container

Explain the steps involved in building and running serial code in a container

Containers on Frontera

Serial Containers

Explain how you got serial containers running on Frontera.

MPI Containers

Explain how you got MPI containers running on Frontera.