Staff Priorities - Fabio

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Revision as of 16:22, 27 June 2012 by Fsilva (talk | contribs)
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  • Fling Study
  • Running full validation test for URS
    • Comparing trunk and 11.2.3 on
    • LP and LA passed, waiting for NR to finish running
  • Continued work on adapting run_bbp_parallel scripts to run Fling scenarios in 1 pass
    • Problems running on /scratch
    • Changed to /tmp and was able to run Fling scenario 101 in 46 min (versus 1h34m using regular scripts)
    • Compared new Fling scenario 101 with previous HPCC run (from 11.2.3) and it matches 100%
    • Running Fling Scenario 104 using new script (previous runtime was 2.5 days)


  • Fling Study
    • Monitoring running scenarios
  • Package new running scripts and check them into svn as part of BBP
  • Continue working on the testing framework
  • Work on Cruise Control setup (pending John Yu install)


  • John Yu: Installing Cruise Control


  • Meeting with Phil to talk about Broadband development priorities @ TBD


  • Look for ways to break up the GF directory layout, some ideas are:
    • Figure out how to separate the validation data from Greens Functions
    • Create separate validation package
    • Separate events and codebases from each other