Staff Priorities - Fabio

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Revision as of 17:03, 25 July 2012 by Fsilva (talk | contribs)
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  • Trac #84: User selectable Greens Functions
    • Removed hard-coded values in all codebases
    • Changed xml generation/parsing code to remove regions
    • Moved UCSB data files to main Broadband package
    • BBP passed unit tests
    • Started running full validation tests for Northridge
    • Changed workflow selection code to ask user to select a velocity model
  • John Yu fixed Cruise Control installation


  • Trac issue #131: Package new parallel running scripts and check them into svn as part of BBP
  • Trac #84: User selectable Greens Functions
    • Check full validations
    • Create packages for Landers and Loma Prieta
    • Start full validations for Landers and Loma Prieta
  • Continue sketching BBP workflow (component by component with input and output files)
  • Trac issue #128: Continue working on Cruise Control setup


  • No


  • HR interview @ 11:30am
  • Call Karen, Phil @ 1:00pm