Staff Priorities - Masha

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Revision as of 16:49, 28 March 2013 by Liukis (talk | contribs)
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Current Activities


  • Trac ticket #295: Diagnostics tests should be applied to time-dependent forecasts - 4 kinds of failure
    • Adjusted catalog and forecast format on CSEP side, 2 issues are solved
    • Robert provided a fix for one of 4 reported failures ('w.c.l' column is not generated by RTT summary files)
    • One kind of failure is remaining: RD test for forecasts groups that contain/depend on STEPJAVA model
      • Removed RD test from forecasts groups with STEPJAVA model
  • csep-cert:
    • Ran evaluation of all time-dependent forecasts groups with diagnostics tests successfully
  • CSEP V13.4.0 release candidate:
    • Tagged in SVN
    • Built RPMs
  • Testing of new server as csep-cert:
    • Issues with logging in to ANSS and CMT SVNs
    • Issues processing manually - successfull
    • Runtime for evaluation of all one-day forecasts is 4 times faster (4 hours) than on existing csep-cert (16 hours)



  • CSEP V13.4.0 release candidate: Asked John to install V13.4.0 release candidate on csep-cert for testing
  • Trac ticket #295: Diagnostics tests should be applied to time-dependent forecasts
    • Robert investigated remaining issue with RD test, will need to change the function to support STEPJAVA masking bit
  • Testing of new server as csep-cert:
    • Issues with catalogs SVNs
  • Post CSEP status meeting minutes
  • Data requests by Max, David Rhoades

Blocked: None

Followups: None
