Staff Priorities - Masha

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Revision as of 20:13, 24 April 2013 by Liukis (talk | contribs)
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Current Activities


  • NZTC:
    • Batch processing to re-generate one-year forecasts that are affected by new catalog data (post 2007/12)
    • Updated configuration files for forecasts groups for evaluation
    • Script to set up forecasts groups to evaluate one-year forecasts for Canterbury special study
    • Committed new files and scripts to SVN
  • CA 3-month forecasts: logL tests results discrepancy reported by Max



  • CSEP status meeting at 8am:
    • Post minutes
  • New csep-op server:
    • John: data copy to new csep-op server is complete
    • Home directory is not available when connecting to the server, sent email to John
    • Update forecasts groups configuration files, reprocess missing dates
    • Start acceptance and unit tests for V13.4.0 release
  • csep-cert: post retrospective USGS vs. RELM evaluation results for 1967-2007 for Max
  • NZTC: set up forecasts groups for evaluation when one-year forecasts are ready
  • CA 3-month forecasts: logL tests results discrepancy reported by Max
  • Summary of testing center distribution (request from Phil)
  • Pending data requests:
    • By David Rhoades (retrospective 20 years of 3-month alarm-based forecasts)
    • By Alvaro Gonzalez: to process missed one-day forecasts and latest results


Blocked: None

Followups: None
