Staff Priorities - David

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- CVM-S4.22
    - Met with PM and TJ to discuss CVM-S4.22 implementation
    - Decided cosine interpolation scheme was wrong
    - Now reconstructing base model, Vs >= 1000 m/s
    - Met with PM and EJL to discuss how they constructed base model
    - Implemented Vs min, Vp/Vs ratio. Doesn't look quite right.
        - E.g. -118,34,0 Vs_o = 213, Vp_o 696.5 -> Vs_n = 1000, Vp_n = 3269!
    - Discrete color bar. Depth map where Vs >= 1000m/s.
    - Began generating difference CyberShake maps. Some questions.


- CVM-S4.22
    - Change fence diagram height to 15km.
    - Change lat, lon indicators on fence diagram to white instead of red.
    - Discrete color bar 500m/s for Vp, Vs.
    - Generate plots for CVM-S with Vs cap.
    - Generate plots for CVM-S4.22 with new scheme.
    - Send those to PM once complete.
    - CyberShake calls


- No


- CyberShake calls