Staff Priorities - David

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- CVM-S4.23 Work
    - Post new plots to wiki
    - Integrate into CVM comparison tool
    - Investigate where CVM-S4.23 Vp > 11km/s. Seems odd.
    - Max perturbation is 900m/s. Max CVM-S Vp is 8300km/s. Cannot be perturbation.
- Respond to MK
- Check why vertical slices are wrong. Used wrong lat, longs.


- CVM-S4.23 Work
    - Generate new vertical slices
    - Let PM, TJ, etc. know
    - Investigate where CVM-S4.23 Vp > 11km/s. Seems odd.
    - Implement CVM-H GTL into CVM-S4.23
    - Generate plots using new GTL
- Respond to MK


- No


- No