Staff Priorities - Masha

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Revision as of 17:37, 12 August 2013 by Liukis (talk | contribs)
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Current Activities


  • EEW:
    • Batch processing of 2012/8-2012/12 to create summaries for the last year (LocationError, MagnitudeError, Speed, MagnitudeDistribution, Summary, FalseAlert)
    • 2012/12/12 failed due to corrupted ShakeAlert log file that was copied from operational image (recovered data from corrupted disk), removed log, reprocessed successfully
  • CSEP:
    • Python class to represent PDE catalog data source


  • TD: failure from last night processing due to out of disk space on SVN, asked John to allocate more disk space to continue operations
  • CSEP:
    • Email from Danijel regarding UCERF2 vs RELM evaluation with Ebel-corrected model, asked to contact Phil


  • CSEP:
    • M8 installation
    • Support for 30-minute forecast class within testing framework

Blocked: None

Followups: None
