Staff Priorities - Masha

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Revision as of 17:10, 26 August 2013 by Liukis (talk | contribs)
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Current Activities


  • CSEP:
    • Posted USGS vs RELM retrospective evaluation for 2006-2010, 2006-1013 testing periods for Max
    • Started USGS vs RELM retrospective evaluation for 1967-2007 testing period with ebel.corrected forecast
    • Acceptance tests for M8FOG evaluation test


  • EEW: review of ShakeAlert Performance testing summary by Phil
  • CSEP:
    • Add new forecasts groups for M8 assessment
    • Support for 30-minute forecast class within testing framework
    • Update wiki forecast example page per Andy's suggestions


  • CSEP:
    • Danijel/Max request: USGS vs RELM retrospective evaluation for 2008-2013 testing period with ebel.corrected forecast

Blocked: None

Followups: with Jeremy at noon on M8FOG results display and frequency of evaluation
