Broadband Trunk Release Notes

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Broadband Trunk Version

Here is a summary of the Trac items describing what has changed in the Broadband Platform since its latest official release:

  • Trac # 146 - Move DT out of src file
  • Trac # 195 - Produce GMPE plot for validation simulations
  • Trac # 215 - Modify SRF plot so that it uses same ALONG_STRIKE/DOWN_DIP reference as SRC file
  • Trac # 224 - Add randomization in BBToolbox using the iseed parameter
  • Trac # 230 - Modify station list parser to accept float vs30 values
  • Trac # 233 - Show epicenter location on all map plots
  • Trac # 234 - Add '08 suffix to current GMPE plot labels
  • Trac # 235 - Modify GoF plot labels
  • Trac # 237 - Rotate all multi-figure plots so they are viewed in landscape
  • Trac # 240 - Run LF and HF components in the UCSB method using separate GFs