Staff Priorities - Phil

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Revision as of 16:58, 15 August 2014 by Maechlin (talk | contribs)
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  • CME Meeting agenda refinements
  • Call with YC on CME, Kraken, CIG
  • HPCC account renewals
  • JB HPC article dropped
  • CCSE telecon
  • CSEP Call
  • Web Call
  • Test IRC freenode
  • Call with SCECDC on data storage


  • HPCC accounts renewals
  • Geoinformatics report
  • Send Git ACCT info to TH
  • Finalize CME Agenda and send
  • JY web discussion
  • refine website use cases
  • BBP Release planning


  • No


  • No


  • Check on Kraken data storage status
  • Test seism email list
  • Fix issues with Geo email list
  • Geoinformatics report (Aug 15)
  • PRAC Final Report (Nov 15)
  • SResponse
  • FW ABF into CME codebase