Staff Priorities - Masha

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Revision as of 17:28, 25 August 2014 by Liukis (talk | contribs)
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Current Activities


  • CSEP:
    • Posted CA 1-day reprocessed data for Jeremy
    • Contacted Jeremy regarding M8 evaluation, Volodya sent another forecast for evaluation
    • Canterbury experiment
      • Profile of N-test, numpy.where is very slow
      • Configuration files for one-day forecasts, started generating daily forecasts
  • TD:
    • Contacted Bill H. regarding his model installation, John set up login account, Bill compiled his codes on SCEC server


  • CSEP:
    • Canterbury experiment
      • Replace numpy.where to speed up evaluation tests
      • T/W tests: change to accommodate time change in a middle of the forecasting period
      • T/W tests: adjust plots for nicer display of results
  • TD:
    • Rowena L. asked to change her code to work with new PBO data format

Blocked: None

Followups: None



