SI2 Meeting 2015
SI2 Meeting Notes: Feb 17-18, 2015 Arlington VA
CyberGIS - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Discussed building a GIS interface to CyberShake data, but we need to build a rest-based interface to the CyberShake DB first:
- CyberGIS
Group discussions recommended all projects make your code citable.
- GitHub has advice on the subject:
- Citable Code
The plenary was from the software
Stan Ahalt mentioned his presentation on forming a Water Resources Institute
Group mentioned a site called
UK version of SI2:
Discussion about the ASF, which is the Accelerating Studies foundation:
Discussed projects for tracking software or tracking scientific data especially with RDF called myexperiment
Learned about the mechanical turk on amazon, apparently site for software help:
Discussed Models of sustainability including HDF5 group and ICERM
Suggested book of Software Sustainability:
- Blue Ocean Strategies
Discussion of Diffusion of Innovations:
Speaker used these sites to track his/her impact:
NSF person suggested community needed to:
- Define a reference architecture for scientific computing, and
- Identify the key components, and
- Converge (or reduce the options) on solutions for each component